Cheese or not...were bombing it tomorrow morning!

Check it out.
We’re bombing the moon!

post number 114

As usual no ones cares when I post. wah.
I think it is totally suspect and was surprised at the lack of response in the other thread but whatever.

I’m just happy that the government isn’t trying to tell us that there’s Al Qaeda there to justify it. :tup:


fantastic waste of money

“Sir… are you suggesting we blow up the moon???”

“Would you miss it??? Would you miss it???”

I think it will cost $483,000,000 if I remember correctly.
At least they didn’t give a million to 483 struggling small businesses. That would have been really stupid. We need a new source for fresh water now!

My bet is that Osama is hiding up there and this is a cover-up

Osama has been dead for years.

check out this vid

Anyone remember Mr. Show?

its all fun and games until they do some kind of fucked up damage to the thing…

Yes! Once there is water found…hopefully…We can gather it and bring it back here so we don’t have to use our water! Sure it will cost billions and will take multiple missions but we need more water. Think of the children.

I understand the science behind crashing it where they do, but really, it’s probably going to be a giant fail anyway so why not crash it into a lighted side of the moon. Then we could all watch millions of dollars turn into a dust cloud, not just hope to see some of the dust as it escapes the dark crater.

Today the moon, Next the sun.

Love the Mr.Show

Just turn on CNN. :roflpicard:

Id watch but the weather will prob suck for visibility and Ill be commuting to work anyways :frowning:

I read the title wrong “Chinese or not…were bombing it tomorrow morning!”

this thread did not deliver

Think the French will surrender, just in case?

I don’t get why people think we are ‘bombing’ the moon - there is no bomb on this craft - We are more ‘crashing’ into it.

Thing that only bugs me - is that we just did it as US and said fuck the other country’s and there opinions. Well now that I think about it - it doenst really bug me after all lol ’ America - Fuck Yeah!’

We need to figure out if there’s water there so we can start building the backup plan colony in case al gore is right
