Chevy Volt pricing

I would buy one for the simple fact that when I buy a car, I tend to keep it until it dies completely. I don’t have the infatuation of buying a car, getting sick of it then trading it in/selling it, buying another, rinse, repeat. If I EVER purchase a brand new car you better believe that I will have it until it is no longer worth repairing.

For the type of driving I do as well I would certainly purchase this car, I drive on average 40k a year. I travel alot. That is not the selling point, only a nice bonus point.

That is what got america into trouble to begin with. Every 3 years get another car…Jesus. How about buy one. It does the job, great, move on to improving other areas of your life.

If you want a fun race car for a toy then buy one, however, and I quote from The Book of Hybrid chapter 69 verse 666, “As Don stood on the mount and spoke to the autophiles he said “thou shalt not mod the daily driver””.

Praise be to Don.