Chewy's Kustoms & LKSi present: How to shave an engine bay and more.

This will be a thread to show my engine bay transformation over the winter. I decided to put it in the Fabrication/DIY section because there will be some one off parts and most of it will be done by myself.

Help will come in the form of my friend Chewy and his various shop equipment. Check him out at

Yes, he is an oaf behind a keyboard, but a good guy and a talented fabricator/painter.

The beginning…

Updates coming



Two thumbs down, don’t keep me WAITING FOREVER

haha should have some progress tomorrow PAUL

Heavy in the streets like a 7 series bimmer maannnn

  • infinite rep for kenny fucking powers reference

That’s actually an old school Clipse lyric, too :slight_smile:

Points awarded to joey. Sorry don’t know kenny powers kramer.

Onto Lance’s progress pics:

Kramer was talking about me when I said




oh word


I’m about 10 seconds away from deleting this and every other post Lance makes

sick 240sx bro.

Buncha youngins. It’s not that old!

Ok it’s not OLD, but it’s early 2000’s haha

I rocked that song so hard, N.E.R.D FTW. Think it was produced by Pharrell.

Yeah I think quite a few of their songs were produced by Pharrell, I was all about their Hell Hath, No Fury album :lol

good stuff, cant wait to see more progress

LKsi vs KK who has the most shaved bay 2011 contest.

Dudeski, if there is anything I can help you with, PM me!

Hit 'em with Nina man, or that four fifth guaranteed ta lean ya man WHOA!

It’s actually a Baby aka Birdman song ft Clipse, specifically titled “What Happened to that Boy”.

OK as promised here is some updates.

I started by stripping down the front end of the car. I know I still have a lot to go.

Marked off a bunch of holes I wanted to go goodbye

Ground the paint off of them (and sick orange primer)

Made some copper tools to put under the holes while I welded them

Laid down some birdshit welds in the holes

Then ground them smooth

I’m hoping to finish the upper radiator support/whatever you call it by tomorrow, then move on to bigger things.

And a sickkk remix to “What Happened to that Boy”