Chewy's Kustoms & LKSi present: How to shave an engine bay and more.

Awesome. Keep us updated, seriously!

when ya wanna shave up my bay?? hahahaha :rofl:rofl

you should shave the holes in your 1/4 panels too

How long did that small area take above? ^


About 10 minutes b ri

Who did Adamz bay?

Adamz did

Eager to see how this turns out, may have some work for ya.

Finished welding up all the holes I wanted… didn’t get to grind them yet

Tried to get the welds as flush as possible… some were better than others.

nice work bud

dude srsly? i just left your house like an hour ago lol, already on shift518…

I’m keeping the updates hot so Paul doesn’t flip out

good call. when are you breaking the news about the kswap?

probably next year when the V6 is still in it

copper backer FTW.

old pennies work too! super glue one to the pointer finger on an old HEAVY duty leather glove. for those hard to reach tack welds.

You need to check out my civic bay Lance. Are you taking the seam sealer out?

Looks like shit .

Yes… makes it pretty idiot proof. Thanks for the tip.

Yes… and then putting new seam sealer in.

Thanks bob