Chipmunk removal, need your help please!

Best post of the year. Oh, and I have an apartment for rent if you are interested…

Play a 45 record at 78 speed and he’ll come running for a career in music and film.

Thank you. Haven’t come across him in the past 2 days now and the holes that we filled are still filled. Searched and didnt find any new ones. Not sure where he went but we didn’t kill him.

that’s the same one i used for wrangling squirrels

Something probably ate him.

And he’s back. lol He took off running today after I started it up. Go figure.

I had one in my old (rented) house. My cat brought it into my office, and it appeared to be dead. I went to grab it with gloves, it sprang to life, and took off with 2 cats now chasing it into the bathroom. I locked it in there and chased it around like a moron, and eventually threw a towel over it and re-located it to the backyard. It didn’t come back.