Confirmed kill and a probable re-kill

Yesterday some buddies and I were riding around on some country roads with many small woodland creatures typically out and about. As we were goin ~40 I see a chipmunk sitting on the edge of the road (left side) about to run across. In my mind I was saying 'GO! GO! GO!" and he did. As he ran across the road I said 'hey, there’s a chipmunk"… SPLAT! I nailed his ass. Both tires too. I found it utterly hilarious at the time and wanted to confirm it was indeed the small innocent creature rather than say maybe a rock. So i turned around and confirmed the kill. (see attached pic, sorry for low quality, its my phone).

So then further along our ride we come across a straight stretch and about 100 yards up I see people in the road (not what you’re thinking!) and slowed down. There was 3 of them, an adult, and 2 kids probably about 6 - 8 years old. One of the small ones had a tool with a long handle (like a rake or broom, I couldnt tell) and t hey start walking off the road for me to pass. As we passed them I had been watching them continuously for their safetly (and no law suits). I realize they have a shovel. At this same instant, I feel 2 more familiar bump bumps. It hadn’t sunk in yet for me, but my passenger in the back seat began laughing un controllably as to why I did that. So he tells me those people had the shovel to clear the road kill from the road that I just re-ran over… which looke suspisiously like a housecat :eek4: … that the kids were cleaning off the road…

So I would feel totally horrible about mutilating a dead pet in front of the children as they mourned its dead body on the road but it truely was unintentional. I would have gone back to apologize but I just didn’t think they’d understand or appreciate me taking pictures.


interesting story! i don’t like cats anyway :slight_smile:

hahaha, u crazy ass

lol thats funny

killer,do u have aq pet?

why would you want to kill a chipmunk? Nothing wrong with them… now a cat on the other hand…

Jeffrey dahmer in the making.

Is thier young boys missing in your area?

target practice!

I thought micheal jackson lived in california??

Who would take their kid to scrape their pet off the road?!?!?!

  • > Cats

I don’t know if it was their pet specifically, but they kid definitely had a shovel, and it was definitely a cat. Damn hill billies you never know. Maybe they were learning to forage for food.

I hope someday you have to live with your pet being hit by a car. Then you’ll understand.


I have. The cat even had Lukemia.

P.S. - death is easy to understand… you die. period.
