Chipmunk removal, need your help please!

So I know this is a section to not talk about our Legacy but didnt know where else to post this. My family has been dealing with one damn Chipmunk messing around with the garage, digging holes outside, and now apparently making his home at night in my engine bay.

I’d prefer not to kill this thing but its becoming more of a problem than anything and well I’m not going to pay $100’s when this thing causes me damage.

What methods do you know to remove/kill these damn chipmunks?

Recently just put down a rat trap with peanut butter on it under my car. I did this for the first time last night but it was raining out so it may have kill the chance. I know we filled in the holes and they have yet to be uncovered.

Let me know your opinion on what to do please before I go Caddyshack on this thing and use dynamite. lol

Love this movie so much. lol 2nd one was awful compared to the original.

I’m all right…

I’ll be singing this all day now.

Came in for Caddyshack, leaving satisfied.

Typical Geoff, groundhogs and chipmunks are two very different animals.

With that being said, if I recall you live far out in the country, so the snap of a .22 shouldn’t bother anyone. If not, I suggest a subsonic .22 round or a .22 pellet gun which wouldn’t be louder than a pop can getting stepped on. If you are unfamiliar or well versed with firearms, then just poison it. Do a little research and leave it out.

I’ve never heard of a chipmunk causing a lot of damage to anything. Weird.

Um live trap it. Then do as you please

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:dunno I think its a sign to move out of your parents house

The lady in the office that works on a farm has said they can chew wires. (grew up trapping these damn things but not sure if shes right)
I wake up every morning and look at the hood scoop to see the damn thing chilling in the opening. (most likely where all the hot air is escaping when the block is still warm)

I would normally shoot a bb gun at it but its always on my car or in the engine bay, when you fire the car up… it takes off sprinting around the corner where I cant get to him fast enough. We had a rat trap setup with peanut butter but thats where I’m at now.

That is about to be done, have someone working on getting me one.

Yeah… I’m working on that. I’m not looking to move into Buffalo because I’m not doing the whole park on the street. I’m saving money to purchase a home or duplex with a garage so I can repaint the S2000 and redo the roof with a glass back. Most my friends are married or someone I wouldn’t care to live with and I’m not trying to dump money into a place I’m not owning and just draining my pocket.

havaheart traps work great. Just make sure you drive him several miles away from your house to re-locate him.

I used a similar but smaller trap to catch some squirrels that were nesting in my attic during the winter. Worked great.

If you have a dog, which I recall you do, DO NOT POISON IT.

if you live trap it you can just drop the trap with it in there into a giant tub of water…easiest way to kill it if that’s your goal…

What would you put in the trap to lure him in? We have other ways of doing the poison that the dog wont get to it. He’s 12 and wont be anywhere near where the poison would be. And if the poison went under my car, we would remove it when the car moved. My dog wouldnt go under the car or even be out till it was moved.

Now we are talking. lol

But seriously, if I trapped it I would drive it probably 15-20 miles away. lol I would prefer not to kill it if I can trap it. If not, its getting destroyed.

weird, I live in the city and have off street parking and a garage.


I came into this thread thinking it was going to be a Richard Gere gerbil type situation.

The problem with the poison is that if the dog finds the dead animal, he’ll end up eating the animal AND the poison. I know it’s hearsay to you, but my Aunt’s dog almost died this way.

Lure him in with whatever you think he’ll like. Check the internet for what they eat. For squirrels I used peanuts dipped in peanut butter.


+1, 3 car garage, off street parking and the city plows my garage access. it’s fantastic

I know my brother has off street parking, idk… just so used to friends having to park on the street or parking lot. I definitely am going to want a garage either way. Not sure how much it is for a place in the city at all.

Or use it as live coyote bait

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Thank you, I’d prefer to take that advise than anything. I love my dog and would be devastated if anything ever happened to him. Tough enough knowing hes 12 and just a matter of time before it’s goodbye.