Keeping Skunks AWAY!!

ok so my mother lives in Akron and is starting to get a few skunks a night in her yard/ trying to dig adound her house. what is a good way to get rid of them. i couldnt care less if i put out dogfood with arsnic or anything. of just a deturrent. has anyone delt with the problem and how did u handle it?

trap them then put a towel over the trap not to startle them then find a pond and drown them


edit: buy a 22 and have some fun

edit: you COULDNT* care less.

edit: contact pest/animal control

she wouldent have the heart to drown one. looks like ill either spend a weekend out there and round em up. a .22 isnt a option to many neibors that will deff call the cops… has anyone tried a poison? would be great if they ate then went and died back where ever there den is

invite him somewhere. He will stay five minutes and be gone for months

Tell SkunkApe their is a car meet at her place and he won’t show up anymore :slight_smile:

i knew this would be comming, but from you Josh :slight_smile:

thank you for coming out of retirement, i lol’d!

Are their dudes hanging out around your mom’s place? Remove the dudes, remove the Skunk. Problem solved!

i :heart: skunk

Get rid of the grubbs.

this threadis missing skunk photoshops

i immediately expected teh same… so glad i got in on one.

schedule him a tattoo appointment, he’ll never show up. He’ll tell you he “cancelled”.

Falsify claims of theft to get him fired from Applebees.
