DIY Skunk Removal

Consider this thread a v2.0 of the lets/lets not shoot a skunk thread from a while back.

My new place in Ca is fucking fantastic, but a common problem in the area is that of pesky skunks making homes underneath porches and the like. I guess Dana Point has had a bit of an issue with them in the past. This time of year, if they are nesting, you can catch a whiff when on the back porch from time to time, and I want to remedy this problem.

Outside of calling animal control to trap/reolcate them, then close off the crawl space/porch area with chicken wire once they are gone, does anyone have any other effective means of relocating them without paying, or bothering my landlord to pay removal charges.

Here’s what i’ve researched:
Moth Balls- no thanks. Lots of research on them being a carcinogen. no bueno.
Ammonia soaked rags- ummm
predator urine (fox, dog)- where in the hell do I buy that, lol
lights under the porch- very doable
music -very doable
used kitty litter- i hate cats

Anyone with first hand experience besides buying a plinker and going all rambo?


BB gun and a large box of beer.

My SkunkeApe thingy went off

My BB guns and beer thing went off

I’ve heard fox piss is one of the most repulsive odors available. Don’t think I’d go spraying thatvaround my house. Skunk would be an improvement. Just borrow Governor Cuomo around the house. Not even insects will come around. Rats trump Skunks.

In CA everything is a carcinogen,my family has used mothballs for years to keep mice out of stored cars and they just plain work. The predator urine is another i’d go with,should be able to get it at hunting stores and online.

Go get a cat, (people are practically begging people to adopt) find the meanest one, take it home, and make it become feral. Never let it inside. Feed it every once and a while. Let it stalk

then you have a skunk and a cat. gross. no one wants a stinky pussy.

honestly … Find out where they’re getting in and out. Watch said area until they leave. Gate/block off area as soon as it’s far enough away. I’ve also read about hot pepper mixtures and such.
There’s always anti-freeze.
With skunks you want the least threatening way of removal. Their spray is pretty horrible and take a while to go away.

A cat is a really BAD idea. lol You know how much that thing would spray if it did attack?

I use haveaheart traps around my house for catching rats. I catch skunks a lot… Usually the same one. I catch the farmers cats a lot too.
Just be careful about relocating, in NY there’s a huge fine if you get caught relocating an animal like that. Gotta kill 'em. Not sure about the laws in CA.
I let them go since they don’t bother me and are kinda cute, only thing I end up killing at the rats/mice/moles. Skunks can’t get their ass end up enough in the traps so they can’t spray, so it’s not a big deal to let them out.

:tup: awesome. Somehow he showed up here tonight as well.