Choda > EvilSRT

:tup: good runs man, maybe next time we could chill a lil more.

two rolls

~50 mph starting speed

… there was a Sliver STI with a front mount following us, but didnt come up to play… who was it.

:tup: srt lost:rant: BS

Was it close or a blowout?

Choda I was out street tuning the STi for a customer that begged me to stay late and get it done ASAP. I figured the safest way to do a couple tuning pulls is to let you guys race and attract any police attention and then I can do a quick gear pull. :wink:

The SRT lost to Choda by a solid margin but he said his bottle was empty.


:tup: good runs boys

Damn…I missed it. :tup: though

:lol: :tup:

chod is on kill mode…cant wait till he goes and rapes ppl in rochester



werd :tup:

Yeah it was pretty much a blowout. I thought I had enough in the bottle for a couple runs, but I guessed wrong. When I purged before our first run it looked ok, but as soon as we hit it I could tell that something was wrong. Then after our second run I purged again and it was real faint coming out of the purge tube. Sucks because I filled my bottle about a month ago and have only done about 8 pulls on it. Usually when I bring my bottle in they always say that there is 3-4 pounds still left in it. Somebody at mighty said that my bottle is mounted too flat so that could be the reason why I’m not getting use of the full bottle.
On the way back when Mike and I did a pull with the STI my car felt stronger off the bottle then it did on the bottle for the runs with choda. I hate being “that guy” with an excuse to why I lost, but if you ever want to run again I’ll make sure I come better prepared.

You guys are a little too close to the top for non GM’s, you gotta cut that out.

:tup: to drama-free racing

evil - no prob, ive had that happen to me too, purge it everything looks fine but really the bottle is OFF, :tup: to rematch. … how’d good did u beat the sti?

cool next time should be better. I got my bottle refilled and there was still about 5lbs in there. We measured the angle and it was mounted at 8 degrees. I used the mounting brackets that came with the kit but I guess my trunk floor is that uneven. I’m fabbing something up this weekend to bring it up to the recommended 15 degrees. Hope that helps in getting more out of each bottle.
The run with the STI was pretty even through 3rd, then I was roughly a car maybe a little more ahead at the top of 4th. He was still making adjustments after that though so I’m sure its not done.

:word: and that was off the :tspry: right :tup:

yeah the run with the STI was off the bottle.

:smiley: nice!

Another reason why big frekin turbo > nitrous :smiley:


Out roll racing huh…

Chodas out gettin’ it duuuunn

U know what it means when a dog shows his teeth…