Chris Henry dead at 26 years old

Pfft…is she was sharp she would have known prince henry is 25, not 26. GAWD!

She liked anal.

Haha best response!

pshhhh, girls don’t like anal.

they love it.


sucks to hear RIP

This information went right to my “People/things I just don’t give a fuck about.” folder. It is quite full these days

wow sounds like a stand up guy. Sucks that he died. Its always a tragedy when soemone that young goes. but he did sound like qhite the doucher.


However there is two pages of people here who already have shown they do care so gtfo!

28 posts is two pages? weak. 50 PPP ftw


Meh, just another hoodrat who is good at football.

Without his athletic abilities he would have died on the streets anyway.

Better him than some innocent caught in the crossfire.


O Rly?

i think we can all agree that the statement you quoted was sarcastic.

O Rly?


class class class. ive met many a pathetic bigot in my day but you by far take the cake. talking shit about a man you know nothing about on the day he dies.

^ I know about his criminal record including a gun charge.

Do productive law abiding citizens get busted with guns?

I didnt write that post cause he’s black, which is what you seem to have assumed. I wrote it cause he’s a loser.

I just assume that every professional sports player is doing some sort of drug.

whether on drugs or not, the man was an idiot. Why would he jump on the back of a moving pick-up…not very smart.

CBS affiliate WBTV reports that the 911 tapes, from Dec. 16, include two calls. The first is an unidentified woman calmly telling the operator that she is driving behind a yellow truck with “a black man on it with no shirt on, and he’s got his arm in a cast and black pants on,” she told a dispatcher.

“He’s beating on the back of this truck window… I don’t know if he’s trying to break in or something. It just looks crazy. It’s a girl driving it.” She then says that the truck turned off of the street she was driving on and that she did not follow it.
