Bengals Receiver Chris Henry Dies

Fell of the back of a truck after climbing in after his wife as she drve away during a dispute. Very unfortunate situation that people act like this.

wow. cant go a week without an athlete having somthing bad in the media. this sounds like it was horible to see.

R.I.P chris. :frowning:

Thats why i never ride in the back of a truck. It is like riding on a bike without a helmet. My GF works in the ER and sees this happen alot. She had a patient die from falling off a truck bed, while it wanst even moving! just fell over backwards and wacked his dome on the pavement.

It doesnt take much to get brain swelling… but I suppose when your in the middle of something like he was with his wife, you dont think straight anyway.

RIP guy.


For those of you who are unaware, if you jump into the back of a moving pickup truck to try to continue an argument with your GF you’re gonna end up dead.

Keep the arguments on Jerry Springer and not on the streets people.

RIP, im a big WVU fan, watched him when he was a kid in college…very sad

fucking hoodlum. Arrested 5 times and you guys feel bad? HA!

5 arrests… good riddance. If only all of our criminals would try to jump onto moving vehicles.

a/s/l/pics now!

14 :rofl

in that case…pm those pics :ninja

:lol PJB jr over here

i wouldnt have a job but it would be nice

too bad, so sad, don’t really care. guy was a fucking shithead.

your a fuckin idiot

false you sir are the idiot, you dont deal with criminals on a regular basis. You have no idea, all you do is sell used scions

Waste of talent but sucks for his like 3 kids.

welcome to 4 years ago, i havent sold cars in a long time. therefore you have no idea.

Sounds like white trash except for the not being white part.