CHRISTIANS FIGHTING BACK! "Dethroned Miss California Files Lawsuit" - You go girl!

This is very true but what are you trying to prove? Cossey and I jumped in to defend Ilya who didn’t try to argue with anyone at all by stating his views which are unacceptable to have according to the majority of shift that posts in these types threads.

Neo, Cossey, Nicole, and 240 (and anyone else I may have missed). Thank you. However, as I have said in the past and will say again, they (people bashing me) can believe whatever they want. When I sign off my PC for the day and get into bed, what they think does not matter to me or bother me. They will answer for their choices as will I. If they don’t think there will be an answerin period for them at the end of their life. Great. I’m happy for them. I believe there will be. I’m living the best way I can. We’re all entitled to our opinions.

I don’t lose sleep over what FRC or anyone else thinks. Sure I may get slightly offended as I’m reading, but it blows over quick.

I’m a virgin. I think homosexuality is wrong. I’m a pretty conservative Pentecostal Christian. I support Carrie Prejean 110%. I don’t like gold rims on silver cars. I don’t smoke or drink. And I don’t care what you think. It is my opinion.

The end.

Yeah, you’re welcome.


Very well put.

Well, let me clear something up for you. Since you’re a virgin, you need to understand… its not always 100% possible to insert your penis into a vagina. You need to spit on dat or use lube once in awhile. Makes things so much easier. Just sayin.

As for you stating that homosexuality was taboo many years ago… lets go back to MANY MANY years ago when greek soliders would fuck one another in the ass. Hardcore style.

Ontop of that, the world is over populated. To maintain stability, the earth should have rougly 2billion people on it… we have 6billion. Ass fucking and clit sucking helps aid in population control.

So, I’d say homosexuality is 100% natural due to the fact its population control. =) We have 3x the amount of people on this earth than what we should…

Look at it this way, you have rump roasters who arent having any children. If anything, they adopt… (if theyre lucky) taking in a child that has no one to love them.

On the other hand… you have crazy fucks like the Duggar family…

you tell me whats more obsurd. Population control, or a family shitting out 19 fuckfaces in which none of them are allowed to go to college. Which Im sure none of them will end up with any decent job and have no significant impact on society.

I never said gay people adopt kids. They can do whatever the hell they want. That doesn’t change the fact that I think homosexuality is messed up. I don’t treat them any differently. Unless, they hit on me. Then you’ve crossed the line and need to get away from me.

Why is homosexuality messed up? Like I said, people like the DUGGAR FAMILY are FUCKED UP. 19 fucking children? Give me a break! 19 children into the world where we are 4billion… FOUR BILLION PEOPLE more than what there should be on earth.

Yet homosexuality, where more than likely they will NOT be aiding in populating the world… is messed up? HOW?

How is it not messed up? If it’s totally normal to be homo, why isn’t 50% (or more) of the population gay? Why are vast majority of men still attracted to women and vice versus? Because that’s the way it is and how most men instinctively feel. Did your parents tell you that you are supposed to like girls? Mine definitely didn’t. Mine haven’t even had the ‘sex talk’ with me, yet I love women and am sexually attracted to them…not other men. We were intended to like the opposite sex, whether you believe in creation or whatever. When you see a penis, do you get a little turn on (even just a little bit)? I didn’t think so. What turns the majority of men on is boobs, ass, and vagina. Why? It’s not rocket science.

Like I said, the two sexes fit like a puzzle piece when you look at the anatomy. A mans ass was not intended to have crap put up it. Only out of it.

And where are you getting this 2 billion people statistic from?

Disclaimer: This is MY OPINION. :rofl

Anyway, ya’ll have a great day.

I have a couple of gay friends, a few of which are ridiculously gay and flamboyant, and a couple that you would never be able to tell until you saw im balls deep in some dudes anus. Actually really cool guys, many of which have had way more sex with chicks than 95% of this forum. They just prefer sausage and peppers over linguini.

Ilya, some people just aren’t prepared for the message. But heh, for over 20 years I wasn’t either.

What I don’t understand though is why some (not all) people here are so hateful and angry about it. During the time I wasn’t in the faith, when I met people that were it didn’t bother me one bit (I’ve got a funny story about a pretty tall blond girl that I should share!).

Anyways, as you know Ilya … it’s a WAR.

Welcome To The War

Why do you guys think we’re angry about it? lol

I really couldn’t give a shit, you think I lose any sleep knowing someone thinks some higher being is going to judge them when they become worm food?

No way man, I just think it’s funny.

mcfluffer and 94gt5.0???:ahh

lol no.

Maybe you should take your own advice.