Help me and my girlfriend get married.

So a radio station in Rochester Wbee. The country station is running a event, called the platinum proposal.

basically, its kenny chesney private box tix, a $10k ring, 24 more tix to the show and

Its this whole huge thing and the couple with the most votes wins.

So if you could vote for me please, you may have to register im not sure.

Myself and my girlfriend would greatly appreciate it.


but, on a serious note, because I’ve wondered since I met you. Did you really get herpees from a girl on craigslist? I’m not even trolling here. Serious question lol

Kenny Chesney? Are you sure this isn’t a gay marriage thing now that it is legal in NY?

Karter…lol no. It was not the herp.

Its a country thing. My Girl is into country, some of its growing on me, but I personally couldnt give you one song Kenny Chesney has done.

This is soooooo WT

This isn’t helping you get married, it is helping you get a free ring and a thoughtless crappy “on-air proposal” at a shitty country music concert.

Stop being cheap.

Wait, so she already knows about the contest? I thought proposals were supposed to be more of a surprise than that. Not to mention how she’ll feel if you don’t win and end up proposing to her in a Dairy Queen parking lot or some shit.

If i dont win, im not gonna give her a cracker jack box ring. Its one of those it would be awesome if it happened, it not back to the original plan…of saving

lol someone post the thread., so it dosent look like a random question jhaha


seriously. this is the gayest shit ever.


Oh and there are people with well over 300 votes… good luck

i bet the couple with the downsie twins are going to take it

that pic of the dude cuddling with what looks like a corpse creeped me the fuck out, seriously, i hate it

Yeah I know it’s pretty intense. I almost didn’t post it and then said oh what the hell.