CHRISTIANS FIGHTING BACK! "Dethroned Miss California Files Lawsuit" - You go girl!

I hope she wins, and wins BIGTIME!

Then the malcontents of this world will think twice before they start attacking another person’s faith beliefs …
Monday August 31, 2009
Carrie Prejean Sues Miss California USA for “Religious Discrimination” Over Marriage Defense

By Peter J. Smith

SAN FRANCISCO, August 31, 2009 ( - The dethroned Miss California, Carrie Prejean, has decided finally to file a lawsuit against K2 Productions, which owns the Miss California USA franchise, and its officials, whom she says defamed and discriminated against her over her public support for traditional marriage.

Prejean filed court papers on Monday with the Los Angeles County Superior Court accusing K2 Productions officials of engaging in character defamation, religious discrimination, public disclosure of private facts, as well as both intentional and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

Prejean’s lawyer, Charles S. LiMandri, said: “We will make the case that her title was taken from her solely because of her support of traditional marriage. Carrie Prejean is left with no alternative but to take her case to court where she expects to be fully vindicated.”

The suit alleges that Lewis, the executive director of K2 Productions, and Shanna Moakler, the former Miss California pageant director, both conspired to have Prejean removed from her title as Miss California after Prejean publicly reaffirmed her belief that marriage was the union of a man and a woman.

Lewis and Moakler swiftly joined in public denunciation of Prejean’s answer after the Miss USA pageant.

Prejean’s lawsuit alleges that Lewis and Moakler “fabricated a fraudulent list of some 50 public appearances allegedly missed by Prejean which they released to the media in order to justify her termination as Miss California USA.”

Miss USA/Miss Universe owner Donald Trump is not named in the lawsuit.

The former beauty queen has stated that the most important lesson she learned is that “nothing is more important than standing up for what you believe in, no matter what the cost may be.” Prejean has used the opportunity to advocate for traditional marriage with the National Organization for Marriage.

Okay, I get where she’s coming from… but it’s a beauty pageant. Come on.
They took my crown! Waaaaaaaah!

This is very important to me… thank you for sharing neg rep

I hope she wins. Fags are getting LOUD nowadays, not cool.

Your getting loud is not cool!

Miss Ca. is no small thing, its a full time job that pays very well so why would she not fight for it when she thinks she was improperly “dethroned”? Give the guy a break, he posted something very relevant to todays issues in America with gay marriage and everything that surrounds it.

It’s not about the crown anymore.

She was put on display by this organization because she chooses to believe that same sex marriage isn’t right.

I don’t approve of same sex marriage either.

Aren’t the girls supposed to win on who THEY are? By taking her crown/doing this to her, they are basically saying that the girls answer the questions based on what the public/organization wants to hear.

I too hope she wins and sues the crap out of them.

Although I’m a virgin, when I look at the anatomy of humans…it’s quite simple. My penis fits perfectly into a vagina like a puzzle. That’s all the proof I need that it’s SUPPOSED to be MAN and WOMAN. Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

The primary purpose of life is to reproduce. Man and man, or woman and woman, can’t reproduce. That is another piece of proof suggesting that it shouldn’t be this way.

Although homosexual people may not be any worse looking, any less cool, any less smart or successful, or anything else…I still think that they are technically mentally sick. Something is wrong with their mental makeup. I don’t think it’s all genetics either. I think a lot of it is how they were raised. If the parents caught signs of homosexuality (boy wearing girl clothes all the time) and talked to him, talked him through it, explained to him that he’s supposed to like girls, etc. etc. I think it can be reversed (so the boy is straight). Some parents don’t this though and just ‘let it happen’. This is what happens. Now, in todays world, if you are pro-man and woman, you are judgemental and wrong. Go figure. There was a reason why it was so taboo many years ago to be homosexual. People then understood that it was wrong. Every day, more and more stuff is becoming ‘acceptable’ results in less and less social responsibility/correctness. Everyone does whatever the hell they please, resulting in stuff like homosexuality.

For the record, although I don’t think they are right, I don’t act like an ass to gay people unless they are hitting on me. If they are co-worker, I’ll work with them just like anyone else.

The second part yes, the first part makes no sense.

Damn Ilya, you posted too fast.

Anyway, like I said I get where she’s coming from, but I don’t think she’s using the right angle at all.

What would be the right angle?

They persecuted her, in a way, by putting her out in the media like that for having a different belief on the topic than the general organization, etc. They attacked her.

There is no other angle.

I would use that, exactly what you said, first and foremost.
To sum it up: They are saying negative and hurtful things about who I am and what I believe.
Instaed of: Well, they took my crown away so I’m suing, by the way this is why they took it away.

It just makes it seem like the real issue is somewhat clouded.

This is much more than just “oh I’m hurt I don’t want them to say these things about me.” They also fired her from her job over these things, what would you do in that situation in order to get back your job and income?

I agree. I didn’t actually read the whole article. I saw Carrie Prejean and I know who she is and why she was in the spot light so I posted, since I am aware of the issue.

Regardless, I find it funny how non-believes call us believers judgemental, hypocrites, etc. yet are the exact same things themselves. And actually, other than a few crazy believers (Phelps family is a great example), the majority of Christians aren’t anywhere NEAR as hateful as many non-believers.

I just feel that if she’s being discriminated against as she is now, that should be the heart of the issue, not the fact that her crown was taken away. To me that’s a second and granted huge blow, but not nearly as important. It doesn’t matter if you’re a nobody or Miss America. Get what I mean?

Wait, what was the Bill of Rights again? And there was something about a Constitution… oh who knows, no one pays attention to that crap anyway.

Like I said…no one gives a crap what the people around them are doing, resulting in a bunch of degeneracy, etc.

Oh well, can’t say I’m surprised. The world is a messed up place and is going down the crapper quickly.

The way I read it she is fighting the heart of the issue by sueing them for her job back, if she wins and its decided that she was in the right the whole time than it would force the critics to shutup and accept that she is free to feel how she wants about this issue.

Really the two go hand in hand, it just seems to me even without having her title taken away she has a hell of a case.

For people that believe in gay marriage they feel oppressed and looked down upon for what they want to do. They don’t tell you that you can’t go to church so how are they being hypocrites when fighting that you tell them they can’t marry like everyone else?

Not saying I’m for or against gay marriage at all, just throwing out the other viewpoint since yours is far to the side you believe in.

I wasn’t talking about gay people. I was talking about atheists/people who bash religion/church/God.

And I was talking about you saying that gay people shouldn’t marry. Who gives you the right to push those beliefs on them if people that bash religion can’t put there beliefs on you?

I didn’t say they shouldn’t marry.

I said they being homosexual isn’t right in my opinion. I think it’s a mental issue within a homosexual persons mind. That is all.

Whether or not they marry isn’t my problem. I won’t answer for their decision. Do I believe that marriage should be between a man and a woman? Yes. Am I going to get all upset because states are allowing gay marriages? Not really. It doesn’t effect me. Again, it’s their choice and they will answer for their choices just like I will.