CHRISTIANS FIGHTING BACK! "Dethroned Miss California Files Lawsuit" - You go girl!

It does effect you in some way though.


Alright than, so much for that debate. :tongue

How? I’m not following. Taxes? It’s okay. I’m not broke. I make a decent living.

Please provide your qualifications to be able to determine whether or not someone is mentally unstable? Until then you actually have NO right to say whether or not someones decisions are a mental issue or not. It has been proven that homosexuals are as mentally fit as you or I, by people who actually specialize and have qualifications to say so. And who are you know how to raise a child? Until you have been there done that, again, you have No right to say what the correct way to raise a child is.

And since you are a virgin you have no idea how your penis fits in a vagina. Honestly sticking it in a girls ass can feel ten times better than her vagina, and if shes good enough her mouth too. None of those are reproductive organs but they get the job done.

I apologize for slamming you here, but a lot of what you said is complete BS IMO and I am going to continue to argue with it.

He very blatantly said in his post that its his OPINION and that hes not forcing it upon others. Maybe if he was posting saying that gay people shouldn’t marry because of X, Y and Z but hes not doing that.

Good for him. But this, is what he posted:

"Although I’m a virgin, when I look at the anatomy of humans…it’s quite simple. My penis fits perfectly into a vagina like a puzzle. That’s all the proof I need that it’s SUPPOSED to be MAN and WOMAN. Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

The primary purpose of life is to reproduce. Man and man, or woman and woman, can’t reproduce. That is another piece of proof suggesting that it shouldn’t be this way."

Seems a lot like pushing his beliefs to me. Either way, he has his opinion and I have mine. Does not mean we can’t disagree, and I disagree with every single thing he said. So I am also stating my opinion, which has more facts in it than does his subjective post pushed by his emotion rather than logic.

Ok but in the next post he stated very clearly that its his opinion, being as such, how can he be wrong? He didn’t proclaim to state facts saying that you’re wrong in your belief yet here you stand stating facts to tell him his opinion is wrong. Every post you make furthers his statements of people on here attacking him and telling him hes wrong for what he believes. While “you guys” keep proclaiming he is pushing his beliefs on you guys, its ironic really.

Wah wahh wahhh…

Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, and he didn’t push his religion on you at all.

Everyone needs to give the guy a fucking break. I’m sick of everyone on here giving him shit about his relgiion or what he believes. He’s not saying we’re all bad people at all. It’s people like you that are the reasons terrorism is a huge part of this world. He stands up for what he believes and and doesn’t need the opinions of others. I wish I could say that about half of the people on this forum.

You are just a blind as he is then.

“Although homosexual people may not be any worse looking, any less cool, any less smart or successful, or anything else…I still think that they are technically mentally sick. Something is wrong with their mental makeup. I don’t think it’s all genetics either. I think a lot of it is how they were raised. If the parents caught signs of homosexuality (boy wearing girl clothes all the time) and talked to him, talked him through it, explained to him that he’s supposed to like girls, etc. etc. I think it can be reversed (so the boy is straight). Some parents don’t this though and just ‘let it happen’.”

He is arguing objective topics in the entire above quote. That means there actually IS a RIGHT and WRONG. Everything he said has been proven opposite of what he actually said. He is using his false knowledge to support is argument. Therefore, I am tearing down his false knowledge by telling him he does not have the right to make that opinion when QUALIFIED people have already came up with an answer that directly opposes his NONQUALIFIED opinion.

Short story: he is arguing that gay people have a mental issue and using that to support is opinion. I am telling him/you that he is wrong because he actually IS wrong.

Are you seriously that dense? Anyone with a religious faith like him puts religious beliefs before science. Put two and two together. You’re pushing your beliefs and pretty much calling him stupid for what he believes in.



He can believe in whatever he chooses. I don’t give a shit. If you don’t like gay marriage, so be it. But don’t make FALSE claims about someone if you have no idea what you are talking about. AGAIN: He stated all homos have mental issues. This is not true, religous or not. and irregardless he does not have the right to say that homo’s have mental issues. He is not qualified. And neither were any of the guys that wrote the book in the bible, stating that homosexuality is wrong. I am simply correcting this information.

You obviously didn’t read my first post when I said he doesn’t care about anyone’s opinions. His religion (like almost every religion) teaches him that it is wrong. His religion provides him with the information about all of it. They’re not false claims. Notice he said “I think” or “my opinion” in relation to those posts.

I dont agree with her statements about gay marriage, I see no reason at all gays shouldnt be allowed to get married or how it isnt “right”. But at the same time I hope she wins her case, its a bullshit reason to take away her title and really hurt her reputation.

Well my personal opinion is that Ilya and anyone else who can’t take scientific fact over blind claims based on ‘faith’, is mentally unstable, possibly even retarded.


I’m the same way, I could care less if two guys marry and such, but the guy is just standing up for what he believes in.

Well I believe in the flying spaghetti monster, fast cars, loose women, and controlled substances.

Shit if I have to pray to FSM getting road head from a hooker while simultaneously snorting a line off the back of her head and doing 175mph in my F50 then so be it.

Fucking A right brother! …
P.S. thinking gay people are “mentally” unstable is a serious crock of shit. They are just gay…they either have too much testosterone(women) or too much estrogen(men) and are not attracted to the opposite sex. They are attracted to the SAME sex…you can’t change that shit…just like you aren’t going to train me to be gay. It just wont happen…talk about going against God’s will. Ever stop to think he put them here for a reason? Ever think possibly they have the right to pack fudge or bump uglies…Or does YOU’RE God not make mistakes?
BTW the above poster is a cathiolic, not a christian…cathiolics believe in war as an answer…LOLZ

People should realize that some “scientific facts” are so biased and swayed by funding ect that they are complete CSBS. I have seen it first hand in my field. If you look closely at religion and science you’ll see what makes sense the most, you don’t need people to shove it down your throat. It’s amusing how people will believe what some “Professor” will say compared to what has been studied/preached about in the Bible for centuries. I really don’t want to get in the middle of this thread since Cossey’s right, there are some thickheaded people in here, I just wanted to state what I think.

Another fine point, but allow me to blow all of your minds:

Anyone can argue anything.

Yes, even the flying spaghetti monster’s existence. I know, it’s shocking, but he/she/it MAY not exist. (highly unlikely though according to my beliefs.)

Also, rumor has it FSM and GOD got into a tussle a few millennia back and the whole earth froze.

FSM won, of course. That god fellow is a weak ass little bitch, his son even more so.