Christmas Bonus at Work

This for me, minus the snow plowing


Hey shut up!



Yeah, mine runs out in January, good thing they extended it!

12-27% of salary

No idea yet as I haven’t gotten it.

Honestly, a $50 gift card or something small for all workers really makes a difference. It was odd but I worked at a place in Latham that handed out bonuses to various people. It was a few hundred dollars but only some got it and the owner or her lackey did it. It was weird because you felt like shit when you saw another get the envelope but you didn’t get shit.

i get the eve and xmas off. thats my bonus lol

Not. at. all. Disgusted though.

I got nothing, as I work for the most bloodthirsty company in the world. When I worked for a local contractor for like 6 months in 2003, they gave me $100 and a half day on the 24th. That was the last time any kind of Christmas/holiday bonus happened.

Why you disgusted Danny?

No bonus, but I do get time and a half for a couple of days!

Christmas bonus?

More hours.

I guess that’s not a bad thing if you weren’t getting enough hours before?

we no get bonus

thats because you work for the state. state workers dont deserve bonuses! (ps, i know im going to catch flak for that since so many of you are state workers. or should i say state paycheck collectors)

Private Sector is hurting, dont think we will get bonuses this year.

false, some state workers do get bonus’ but they arent called a bonus

i got a holiday card in the mail saying thanks for a great year… wow, suddenly i feel so loved and thankful for my job…

and 13 paid holidays, 2 of which are coming up, so i guess its not THAT bad

and if you were able to land a civil service job, you would be pissed if someone like you was saying that i bet. dont hate.

its just bogus… state employees (government specifically) have the ability to vote themselves raises and accept “bonuses” nearly at will. i think its horseshit. when was the last time we had a budget on time (not to mention one that was accurate)? how bout the last time elected officials had a 100% approval rating? until that point they dont DESERVE any “bonus”. hell in my opinion they dont deserve 1/2 of their regular pay but thats a whole different arguement all together.

Life isn’t fair/easy. Relax Travis.

i am relaxed… i guess i come across more worked up than most on here… :lol… i just have a way of trying to elaborate that seems like im pissed.