Christmas Party - 12/11/09 - Hal's Bar & Grill

@ 10pm
Who ever took him home congrats.

Wait Shaggy was there?

Shaggy,Quik and Swift …last men standing. A special shout out to Matt thanks buddy.It was a little warm in the bar. If it weren’t for you spilling drinks on me most of the night I probably would’ve gotten very uncomfortable. Of course my only true solice is knowing that right now ,7:00 am you are probably somewhere passed out in a pool of your own urine…good times

ugh. hangover at work check in…

lol those mad elfs hit hard.

I think Jeff drove me home, not sure… if so thanks. lol.

The way I see it I bought you all beers then… just may have been on your shirt.

I’m not sure if you remember or not, but you’ve got GOLD on that camera of yours. Upload and PM me, stat.


you left so early how the hell was you dunk like that?

Wait there is gold on my camera? I Can’t find my phone here… going to look harder

i heard there were bitches making out and shit. I’m quite sure you got it on camera

:ugh: i do recall those

LOL he lost his camera

very nice!!!

I got my phone… there is a video but its dark and its a bunch of me saying I can’t see straight wow.

all you can hear is Quik saying; get pictures, get pictures …then Matt sayin…I can’t SEEEEEEE …never give the drunk guy the camera

i remember someoen saying his camera was junk trying to take pics as well

remember the Hebrew Rudolph?

I was still conscious for the Hebrew Rudolph, it was amazing.

iphone doesnt have a flash so it wasnt the best picture taker last night

this is proof that iphones are for fags. No hot chicks making out for you!

Note to self.

Do not drink Mad Elf’s like they are Yuenglings.

Ahh Matthew, I wish someone would of got video of you doing the shift thing.



going back to sleep… think I am still drunk.