Wow thats not what that looked like at all when I took that picture. I remember it being a lot blurrier
Haha thats because my Leica makes your Nikon seem like a disposable…jk
I win the boob off, thanks.
i was in vegas… sorry! looks like fun
it was a good time. I was wondering where the hell you were…
Also, my woman wouldn’t shut up about how nice everyone was. I was like obviously you don’t know these people like I know them
Except for that steve kid, who we both agreed was not only creepy, but way too in love with Pontiacs.
Dear Darkstar,
Sadly, I neglected to sport my GAP blazer and party shirt combo at Hal’s, leaving the women’s will graveling at your feet. I retract all prior statements questioning your sexual preference and have confirmed you are indeed the biggest rail-rider I’ve ever met.
Mission accomplished
While your admission of sexual inferiority is both noted and appreciated, I cannot help but feel as though there is some insincerity in your comment as it pertains to clothing. If you are calling into question the corduroy jacket I happened to be wearing that evening, it was purchased from Banana Republic, not the GAP.
With the warmest regards,
D. K. Star
lol darkstar i liked you gf she was very nice…thats rare coming from me. anyways heres my pics. it took awhile but there here now!
here comes the flip book style high-five
jeff cleaned his plate
joe you lost weight, cheeks and whitey gained it in gheyness.
Man there was actually people I know and get along with there. It would be nice if just once I wouldn’t be working when this thing happens.
Although not the biggest breasts there mine were readily accessable to all in attendance
lol had a great time
It was better for us that you worked…
Well if I would have saw you in the pictures, my comment would have been different.
Please. You’d be too busy masturbating to comment.
Wow do you hold yourself at too high of a level.
Lol…I’m being facetious, knobgobbler. Settle down.