Christmas Tree lights


ive always been a fan of white

Hey you guys need help sometimes…i’m sure Lauren knows what i’m talking about :wink:

^^^yep… De Colores!

Kids seem to like those better

I used white on the tree, and there is garland with weird colored bulb lights on the banister.

I like the white better.

i like both, but ima have to go with white

You freakin’ white supremacists.


WHys it gotta be white. Bunch of racists on here. Mine are white/black 50/50 mix :tup:

Christmas Tree of HATE

i like all red lights. or all of those blacklighty colored ones. shit looks mean.

i love the colored

colored lights are sweet to hang around a room, if you are in college.

white lights all the way for christmas stuff.

Damn, this poll’s a close one.


where’s the option for both? My tree is pre-lit with white… and I string colored onto it.

No Light!!! ba-humbug.

Christmas Ruiner! Your house is the dark one on the street huh? :wink:

Just a Coors Light neon sign in the window.


White looks cleaner. All the different colored light look like your tree was designed by Trix or something. Only way you can do it with other colors is to pic a specific color scheme. My mom usually does white and blue, it looks nice.