Christmas Tree lights

Colored lights in the tree, or white ones.

I’m a white light guy myself.


I like white, but I like colored ones better, more festive


Don’t be a tree racist.

White…it’s so much more classy.

white lights are nice for houses…but when it comes to a christmas tree…colored lights all the way :slight_smile: Christmas trees are supposed to be bright and cheery Xander so lets get colored ones since you are getting owned on this poll already :wink: <3 u!

I ain’t like them there colored too much…

white for a more classy, upscale christmas. They should charge more for the white lights so the riff raff cant afford them…

X, this is how it starts…

They slip in with a small suggestion here and there, and next thing you know, you are repainting rooms, and losing closet space.

White lights.

white… colored are too trailor park

we have colored ones at work.

blue and Yellow

Sabres treee FTW

So, Do you work in a trailor park?

White lights, no question.


Is he getting tied to the pole?

Was someone hitting him with the pole?

Is a stripper embarassing him while dancing with the pole?

Did he get his pants pulled down while he was climbing the pole?



colored :gtfo:

haha i was waiting for this.:stuck_out_tongue:

i work at a police station. I deal with trailor park people. Therefore we have to make them feel comfortable.

white lights

My sis lives in Richmond VA, the lights there are 99.99999% white.
People laugh at colored lights down there.

Cheektavegas = colored light capital of the world.

if colored lights= white trash and cheektavegas = colored light capitol

then Cheektavegas = ?

colored lights give a classic look to christmas yo

white lights for sho.

colored are almost always tacky. but it can be done i guess.

I guess there are more people from Cheektavegas on this board then I though :lol:
