Christmass protesters are outside my work on N.Pearl st. lulz

This summer I hit a tree with my motorcycle. It want good, i don’t need to get into it again here. When I laid there knowing what I just did, not once did I pray for my self. I remained calm, took my time to check what i could on my body to make sure I wasn’t in really deep trouble and waited for the chopper and emt’s. The lady that saw it happen was white as a ghost and shaking. Some people can handle things differently when put under life and death pressure I guess. I recovered thanks to dr’s doing their jobs and people in their profession and science doing their jobs. I thank them, not god.

And when people say the “your family is in my prayers” either they are religious and they say it and believe it or they aren’t religious and they just want to say “the right thing” right thing being what society pushes.

I am not very religious at all, but I respect the people that are… the people that also respect that i don’t share the save ideas as they do and they don’t harp on me to get me to see the light. If they are too pushy I loose all respect for them. Especially when they say ohh but this life changing event happened to me and I converted so you should do the same thing before it is too late… it is contradictory.

Everything in my life I learned by doing, seeing, understanding and proving. Wither it be fixing a car, getting medical attention, seeing babies be born, and watching people die. I do it, I see it, I understand it and I can prove it. I dont see the need to Believe, if all the above is true. That’s kind of it for me i guess.

The thing about your mother’s blood issues disappearing can probably be proven through research and science. Does it have to be proven? NO. Could it, Sure. But what does it matter to someone that doesn’t care to need the answers. You Ilya, believe what you do and it gives you closure, morals, life lessons… the list goes on. That works for you because you are doing well with your life. I respect that allot. And I respect that, you respect me for seeing the opposite views… that is what makes the world a better place.