Chrome Window Trim

Ive been talking with guys on a BMW forum and we have come to conclusion that we cant find anywhere that carries chrome window trim for the E36 coupes, we have only found that there is chrome tape you can buy to put over your black window trim. Does anyone on here know of anywhere that I can find the chrome window trim?

i had the exact opposite problem, but i was able to paint mine black

so sorry this post was worthless to you

Dont chrome it. :tup: to black

thats like unheard of. whyw ould you want your trim chrome when it comes shadowlined stock?

shadowline is the shit, it makes care look so much newer.


go black man.

You guys think so? Its a black car and I always thought it looked classy to have the tinted windows with the chrome trim and black wheels with the machined lip… I like it either way though…

no chrome!

black FTW

chrome window trim is so 1980’s 70’s 60’s …

word i think it looks mad lame on an all black car too. the chrome jumps out to much on a dark car, a light car MAYBE, but dont go chrome thats lame.

ill take pics of my car with the black out trim and u can see if you like it or not

word, i can photoshop that shit chrome and we can have a vote.