Circuit City closing 155 stores, Albany store remaining open.

So, if you are not a geek, then why you get mad? Or, are you REALLY a geek? :ninja

I have always found Circuit City’s prices better than Best Buy’s. Idk…best buy just seems like such a rip off in most things unless it’s on sale.

because its in my job title…yes thats it. lol.

thats because the people that do best buy’s pricing will raise prices a dollar or two, making it a little more expensive but hoping you like us enough to not care, and in the end we make millions and millions off of it.

Like Swifty… ::slight_smile:

We go in to get something, it’s 44.99 there. I am like…whoa I got it for 29.99. He’s like ah fuck it I don’t feel like driving.

thats how most people are. like all our dash kits and wiring harnesses are 21.99 for the most part, u can get em for 15-20 everywhere else, but no one is gonna care to do so.

yea its not just about the price its about convenience as well, thats why u can charge more for gas near the boating dock etc

Crystal is actually doing the taxes for the bankruptcy. But, yea, they are restructing and closing 155 and keeping 500 open. I wonder how bad it REALLY is?

idk much about it but i have a feeling they might be able to save thier asses this timee

So they filed for Chapter 11 recently?

Smart idea to get rid of some debt and get a chance to restructure.

Now if only some other companies followed suit instead of flying private jets to Washington to tell congress “we are broke” :idiots

Crystal is strict about what she tells me due to insider trading. It is public knowledge and she said she was on the phone with them for 5 hours over the last couple of days. They plan to keep open 500 and restructure. I’ll post more when I am “allowed” too. :lol

Well when I heard it, it was on the news. That somewhat qualifies as public knowledge.

Exact amounts and figures are confidential and are insider information, general actions of the company that affect the stock holders are public knowledge.

Looks like the Albany store is good for a while then. :thumb

albany store will close with the last of them. which unless circuit city can be the first, will happen.