
I had an APG flashback where this guy posted pics of the “hangout”. I think the masses almost lynched him.

Good times.

Carry on.

wasnt civichb aj criscone?

sure it wasn’t the dude with a focus and stickers all over it… APG did a grill and chill to raise money for his terminally ill daughter then the next week the guy posted a WTB ad for crack

Crack? for real?
I wouldve showed him the crackhouse I know of on State street by Mohawk Honda. Throw something at the 3rd floor window and theyll drop the keys down.

it was pretty funny. his post went something like this

Even tho my wife is black and we live in arbor hill noone will deal to me. Anyone on here sell?


I believe so. I think he screwed Cossey for a G too.

this is trav,s mom …stop pickin on him in such bad taste

So is that how failvis is paying back his debts? Having his mom prostitute herself?


What’s the Travis update? I been MIA.

well his mom now works wit my old lady .lolololol.i guess he still at home no job no bitch ,still has the turbo no money …i guess they got into a huge fight cause trav couldnt give his mom 5 bucks

Sounds like a sitcom. How sad? Oh well.

I could get him a job at one of two places- a real legit job but I wont.

thats what i said .i couldnt care less

dont ,it will only backfire.but my brother in law is lookin for one paul

I wont.
I sent you a PM for your BIL though.

lol that was SCORPIO…that was one scary dude, didnt someone see him racing someone on I-90 with his kids hanging out the window and shit? I think it was wayne

I am almost POSITIVE I was talking to Walt when he came up to me at LVD. I told him I was Cossey or something. LOLZ.

hahaha yeah thats was classic, you told him you were cossey, i told him i was me, and then we both ignored him haha

thats not the same dude that used to do low rent n00dz photography is it?