you guys remember this clown?

haha some of you guys prob remb this clown from a few years ago.

thats not that little cracked out guys car is it ?

this would smoke your shit son

looks like a decent car…whats the story?

its little cobra geoffs car.

he lost to austens Integra…

thats what i thought .what a tool he must need crack /coke money .didnt redline do a lot of work to this thing

Thing is whooped and really Im surprised the bank doesnt own it already

oooo geoff racicot’s??? i went to high school with that idiot

well his ex wife bought him the whipple, his mom makes his car payments and last i heard it was up for repo

so ughh, low ball him for the whipple?

oh shit. you think he would sell me that whipple? i don’t want the rest of his stock fueled POS.

prolly, kid is hurtin for money most likely

fuckin a right bitches. i just called, waiting for a call back. i think his mom answered the phone FYI.


LOL do it wayne, cop that whipple , thats sad

Supposedly its been up for repo for the last two years or atleast thats what I keep hearing yet he still has the car.

He must do coke or crack because he used to be kinda built and now he’s a twig.

i get wheel hop at 80

“no, your a liar” :lol:lol:lol:lol

This thing has been for sale for awhile now. Im hoping he got rid of the stock injectors. Wifey and mom must have stopped paying for the car…