CKY89.....Scammer? *Resolution on Page 9*

no i dont think so


INON2 INON234562345

You’re not getting paid for when you post in an active fucking thread. You are just cluttering it.

And yes I know it’s OT, it’s just gay.

if anything… his classifieds privleages need to be revoked on here until it gets fixed…

in on 2:gay2:

wow, I never seen cky around east aurora before. Hes got to be here somewhere. Ill let you guys know when I find him…
BTW: always two sides to the story but this one doesnt look good :gotme:

QFT. There are chips well away from the outer edges of the wheels. There’s no way in hell shipping did that.


Unless he just threw everything into a big ass box without packing material…


loL@newmans ditb post

OMGZ he is from EA???


i dont know the story yet …but steve IMO he is a good guy … but like i said i dont know what happend or the story

404 can’t see page

On it.


Hope this gets resolved… cause that sure as hell doesn’t look like shipping damage.


I am going to go out on a limb and say he made this thread in order to pay the dude back-

:rolljerk: lol right


Looks like the purchaser is trying to track him down… Might even fly in from cali to take care of business. Def feel bad for the guy, he found ditb and we sent him over here… Curious to hear both sides of the story…

thats some shiesty shit, and i konw steve personally…these were not on his vr when he wrecked it.

the thing that seems wierd to me, is that where the “powdercoat” has chipped off, there is black spraypaint over it. So either it was hidden well in steve’s orig. pics, or the shipping company FUCKED these wheels hard, and tried to cover their tracks by spray painting and re-packaging. :squint:

can’t be too hard. He works at Advanced. It’s not like there are 300 of them


  1. They were shipped then the person should get a refund becuase they are not new and that damage doesn’t happen to metal rims unless they were shipped by shooting them out of a fucking cannon.

  2. The person showed up to pick them up and didn’t notice that they are not straight in which case he was an idiot however, still should get his money back becuase again, they are not “new”

lol, not from ea, I never met the kid, anyways I retired, it was a joke. I was just saying hes got to have SOMETHING to do with ea with a shotty transaction like that.
