gonna be late today.***update ins. info***




sorry man thats awful. Got darn presidents.


That sucks, did you have wheel locks?

prob not presidents…im guessing mexicans

Ouch. Any damage besides the missing rims?

yea somehow they got in the car and found it. no damage though

ugh. fuck man.

Maybe, maybe not. Wheel locks are about a 2 second delay at most if you know what you’re doing.

Stock or aftermarket rims?

Going to make a claim or suck it up?

claim…but the ma they will give me for the wheels is a grand…hopfully they wont f me on the tires.

Wow that’s terrible. And you’d think somebody would see that going on, but I guess not. Good luck with the claim.

Damn I remember the thread when you picked those up and the photo-shoot.


where did this happen? Looks like in a parking lot.
So you dont think it was Presidents?..
hmmm…what could mexicans be called

I’m surprised there isn’t a product that replaces a whole wheel stud and has a legitimate key lock.

Still got the factory rims so you can at least drive it until insurance cuts you a check?

10 feet from my apt door…

nope…searchin craigslist now

no alarm?