gonna be late today.***update ins. info***


not good!

sorry dude :frowning:

Man that sucks Tom!!!

step 1 - call your nissan dealer and get a quote for 4 brand new wheels and tires and lugs at full price (be clear, you do not want a hook up) get it in writing.

step 2 - say holy shit, $3500+ !?!?!?!!?

step 3 - make insurance pay you the money

step 4 - get ANY WHEELS + TIRES YOU WANT!!! = PROFIT!!!

damn man, that sucks.

did they leave it up on blocks atleast? it looks like it, and if they broke in, thank god they didnt do any damage like windows/paint, so they were prolli pros, or you left your doors unlocked. if theyre dumb they’ll put the wheels up on craiglist and say they came off a 350z =)

edit: alarm? or was the siren cut?

double edit: cameras around?

no dice

The landscapers.

Wow, that sucks!

At least you got a good deal on the wheels… What was that, a month ago?

back in november:picard:

then his ins. co blows

Sucks huge! What did they put the car up on? I can’t believe no one saw it happen.

Also why would you only get $1000?

specific specs on wheels? pics?

I know a guy who might come across these… that’s all I’ll say

Sorry to see this man.

Ugghh, I would really hate for this to happen to me :frowning:

Posted last night, in Stair’s thread about her broken wheel:

You had no idea just how right you were going to be, did you? :eek:

Hehe, sorry. But it’s kinda funny.

2 19x9.5 with falcons. lt frt wheel has light rash on very edge of the lip approx 15’’ long
2 19x10.5 mounted with bridgestone potenza.

but i dont think your guy will come across them…im in phoenix

thats y i said “could be worse”

the insurance company does not get to “choose to give him $1000” they must repair to as good as new. don’t accept lesser parts than stock.

basically they are gaming him.

this would be like if he got into an accident and it cost $3500 to fix and the insurance company says “meh, we’ll give you $1000” would you accept that?

i guess the only good thing is that u got them for less than they’re worth right :frowning:

u should check with whoever u got them from the other cars that got the same wheels

Ah, you beat me to it. :io:

I have a relative that owns a shady tire shop sort of near phoenix…