Explenation for so called "Thieving Scum". Please read...

I am jayson (the so called “faggot brother”)

I‘m still having a hard time understanding why someone would go gallivanting over a situation that has already been dealt with?!?

From the beginning of time, the general rule of thumb in any confrontation is that there are two sides to every story, and this is no different. Fortunately, my side of the story is nothing but facts unlike the one you were presented with earlier, which was laced with false accusations and immature comments.

A) My brother did indeed purchase the rims off someone. Did he know they weren’t legit, most likely. Nobody pays $400 for legit tires and rubber, we all know that. But he did indeed tell the cop who he purchased the rims from. He did not do so initially because the fact he was still in shock after getting jumped. But he did do the right thing in the end. You’re more than welcome to confirm that with the police reports.

B) The only reason he was hanging around the shop from time to time prior to the rims were stolen, is because he did deliveries there for his previous employer, Part source. Secondly, he is good friends with a gentleman by the name of Steve who works at the shop. Thus explaining why he was no stranger to the shop where your rims were stolen from.

C) You can clearly see who on this board has actually met my brother. Most who are making comments are being driven simply on false facts, Thus the immature comments like (I hope that someone steals that faggots car, and so on…) To those like Sacha and Big-byrd, I appreciate you trying to protect the integrity of my brother’s name based on your dealings with him and not on hearsay.

D) My brother does not sell parts; therefore you won’t have to worry about him selling stuff over these forums. Contrary to what most of your believe, some people don’t have time to waste away, posting on some Silly message forums.

E) I have no clue why you are attacking my character as I was extremely polite to you and your friend and treated you with nothing but dignity and respect while you were accusing my brother of stealing the rims. I gave you the benefit of the doubt when you said my brother was in possession of your rims. You didnt act like a tough guy then, so why are you talking crap about me over the internet? I did not hesitate for one second to call him and tell him to return them. Once I told my brother they were stolen, he took them off his car and proceeded to make his way home to bring them back to you. At no time was he running or hiding.

How can you say that, when we was jumped by your buddies less than a block away from where we were? Plus, the rims were in his trunk. So where do you come off saying he was running?!?

Maybe they didn’t explain to you how they beat him up!?! My brother was on his way home to return the wheels when a van stopped in front of him and a 944 blocked him in from the back. My brother, no knowing what the hell was going on, took off his seatbelt and got out of the car. Halfway out the car, your buddy through him to the ground and starter punching him. My brother didn’t fight back for one second simply due to the fact that he didn’t know what was going on. If he really stole the rims he could have easily outran that 944 or, if he got blocked in, stayed in the car or come out of the car swinging for the ences! But my brother wasn’t aware what was going on…

I’ve trained in Jiu jitsu and Boxing for years and have wrestled with my brother from time to time, and I assure you if he stole the rims and had something to hide, he would have fought back. But he didn’t

Last but not least, I do not approve of anyone purchasing stolen products. So, my brother “Somewhat” got what he deserved. Although it was extensive, we both just learned to take it as a learning experience.

I am truly happy that you were indeed able to get your rims back. I’ve been robbed before and it’s not a good feeling. But don’t come around making accusations and trying to attact my name or my family’s. Because if it wasn’t for me your brother and your mechanic would have numerous charges right now.

On a final note, if there is any future repercussions in regards to this situation because the fact that you made this post public, I’m holding you accountable for any damages done. Also, I want you to take back your earlier comments about me, and my family, and set the records straight. If not, your going learn the hard way, the same way my brother did…

P.S: The Moral of the story is we all make mistakes, and he payed large for his. He lost out on $400, and got beat up. What more do you guys want!?! For those on this board who are not “Keyboard Tough Guys” and would like to discuss this situation further, please don’t hesitate to message me and we can talk face to face. I’ll even buy you a coffee!:thumleft:

Warmest Regards,

Jayson G.

Warmest regards?

Just because it’s been dealt with doesn’t mean people shouldn’t know about it. Thats what happens in a car community when people rip off someone else…

If your rep is soiled serves you right for ripping someone else off…

Actually you know what…

Get the Fuck Out…

^^^ Is this Justin?

Before I go any further, let me say I’m making observations on the proceedings through the other thread, not the event. I don’t know any of the parties involved and was over 800Km away when it happened. That said, let me begin:

Wow, what a concept, someone who convayed the story with intelligence and a calm demeanour.

I agree with your statement about the derogatory comments in the other thread. There’s a difference between being upset over an event, and trashing someone every second word, just for the sake of trashing them. It’s pointless and only makes you look immature and foolish.

I think all the comments and statements you made sound fair, and pretty honest. At the very least they’re mature and well thought out. “Keyboard Tough Guys” as you put it (I like that term) annoy me. So the fact that you didn’t attempt to convey yourself in the same manner is cool in my books.

Personally, if I were to compare JUST your story here, and JUST the first post from the other thread, you would certainly be more believable. If only based on the fact that your post is far more mature, and there’s no mudslinging. To me, mudslinging simply tells me you’re either going for the “Lets get them so fired up they automatically jump to my side” approach, or you’re trying to hide missing facts in your story.

Either way, I think this was the best, most mature reply to something of this nature I’ve seen on any forum in a while. Cheers for that.

Again, I wasn’t there, I’m not making any stand to one side or the other of this event, I’m making my observations on it.

Justin who?

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, your input is greatly appreciated…

No no, forget honesty and fairness…

This is pure garbage…

Act like a victim and an upstanding citizen one minute and utter something aabout Jiu Jitzu and meeting up in another…

This guy screwed up…

And frankly DVSTR was a moron for not handling it the right way in the first place. There should have been no fighting, no beat downs, no brawls.

Both parties are infintely stupid…

Justin, from Team Mischief. The guy with had 2 R32’s. If it’s not you, than please disregard my post…

No, I’m the other guy from Performance World who drove the other GT-R home with the R33 wheels…

I LENT my battery from my car to you guys so that you could get the R32 home.

Do you remember that?

That I will agree with.

However, like I said, I wasn’t taking sides, I was simply commenting on the BIG difference between the two on the way they conveyed themselves. It’s been often said “it’s not WHAT you say, it’s HOW you say it.”

If the original post hadn’t been made like a 12yr old throwing rocks in a school yard, I might have given it more credibility, but based simply on the facts between the two posts, and the way they were portrayed.

Either way, as previously mentioned, I don’t know either party, so all I have to go on is the word of others, over the internet…

Thanks for the battery… we brought it back to you…

I guess I can overlook theft because of your good deed…

A murderer held the door for me, I can’t hold the fact he killed 3 people against him…

Everyone around here has said you guy didn’t seem like the type that would steal and yet here you are…

Ignornace is not a good excuse…

Well I can take sides… I don’t like DVSTR and frankly I had nothing against the said party until they screwed up…

So really I’m siding with the clown…

Theft is not cool, you don’t screw with another guys car, and then come around saying how he didn’t know…

Especially after the wheels were changed mid “chase” for some reason.

I can be politcally correct, but let’s be frank, I don’t trust this guy as far as I could throw him, and DVSTR is no angel (or einstien himself) anyone who deals with avg player is like that…

P.S Tim you still owe Sasha money for hitting his trailer driving like a moron in your parents miata…

Well this sets the record straight.

I mean we know Tim is a theif form multiple instances, and we know that he likes to talk and make up stories. As soon as i read something about “240 theft ring” i knew the story was full of shit.

Add on that my experiences with mitchell and i knew this wasn’t all true.

This makes a lot more sense, and i feel bad for Mitchell for getting jumped like that, but honestly thats what happens when you deal with stolen products.

People that are posting that dont know mitchell or tim should just SHUT THE HELL UP. You’re just adding fuel to the fire by posting your opinions and bullshit on a matter you know nothing of.

Having delt with both Tim and Mitchell it isn’t hard to see who is honest and who isn’t.

Posting the bullshit that you did in your post pisses me off, slandering people and making up shit that is entirely untrue is just low.

Mitchell learnt his lesson and im sure he’ll go out and buy some wide wheels with good offsets, no wonder he got a beat down buying those ugly ass rims :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m just making a point… I lent a battery from my car to a complete stranger, so that he could get his car home from a car show. With a possibility of never seeing the battery again. Although you did indeed return the battery, which I appreciate.

But does that not show that maybe im not as bad of a guy as I was portrayed in the other thread? Maybe some of the events posted were false or exaggerated? Could that be a strong possibility?

Especially now that you know who I am, and how I was willing to help you, and Justin at that car show…

bobo dont forget they didnt steal

they just bought stolen product

big difference even though it doesnt seem like it

also we dont even know for sure if mitchell knew the shit was stolen (although we should assume so)

lastly, his brother did NOTHING wrong so he doesnt really deserve the attitude


So what you are saying is he infact did steal the rims and is making the whole, we bought them for 400 up???

Im kinda confused as to why you are so angry with the guy?

I guess thats the internet though…no story is the real story.

I have all the evidence I need, a pic with my wheels on his car 24hrs after they were stolen.

A) My cousins all live in Quebec. look it up in the phone book.

B) My brother is not smart enough to realize that standard rims wont fit with Z32 brake. Plus the vehicle already has spacers.

C) I told my brother that the rims were apparently stolen from GTA PRIOR to him getting beat up.

D)I havent lied once to you, and I was being genuinely nice to you and your friend from the beginning.

E) I think the beating was a little overboard because he’s my brother, you gotta understand that. No matter how much I think someone who buys a stolen product is somewhat liable, nobody wants to see their brother throwing up blood. It was excessive, but it’s over with.