Clash of Clans

Anyone play this? It’s highly addicting.

I tried to, it’s just a really poorly done rip off of the original Warcraft

i cant remember specifically what pissed me off. But I just deleted it one day.

I play it steady to pass time, lots of changes to it over the year I’ve been playing it seems to be a lot better than when first realeased.

I’m an avid clasher lol

I’m on it. Just started a couple months ago. You should join our clan.

Add me brentdc5

I’m also on there and am part of a pretty nice clan… Anyone is welcome to join search My First Beer! (<–you need the exclamation point). I’m theProgRocker and UncleTBag on CoC.

I’ve got a pretty fresh clan with a couple of my friends, we are a war clan, anyone is welcome if your active and into wars. I’m lvl 106 and can help boost new players if ya join. Clan is- lime light

I’m partial to FarmVille still.


I played it until everything got extremely expensive and took you days to do anything

So like…level 20?

I too play. Only a level 45.

I play castle clash too.

Level 14 here. Starting to slow down because I refuse to put real money into it.

You don’t need real money if you raid…join up with me and I’ll donate troops to you

I’m in need of clan members in my clan , people who are active. You can rank up fast if you have a active high rank(like myself ) to help boost ya up.

Sent from my iPhone 5

Is your name unfound doom

Yes sir the picture above is war layout, this is my normal base

I was soooooooooooooo going to post a thread any day now on here. It is so highly addictive I’m almost embarrassed. Never been a game guy or ever even had an Xbox or anything like that either.
I’m the leader of a nice little clan if anyone wants to join. We’re upto 22 people. Nice respectable clan wi th an average lvl of about 65 or so.

I dont know what level I was at but all I do know is that most of my playing time was spent launching the game to collect the elixr/gold then exiting it because I couldnt buy anything