WoW Update

Just wondering where you guys on shattered hand are by now? Anyone up in the 50s yet that i could quest with? I’ve been addicted to AB for the past month but i think its time to make an effort to hit 60 now, im at 55 or 56 right now i forgot which.

I haven’t touched it since the day I turned 30


level 30


in the game, not real life.

I have 2 mounts in real life, so I must be like 50 or something.

lev 18 mage… its been a little slow going…

have fun PVeing your life away and spending 5+ hours on raids for items you need to have to compete

DAOC is where its at with the new patch

46 rogue
20 pally
13 warrior

i think im going to start an undead army on another server too…

I’m making a horde tonight on Sargeras

59 pally, 16 bars to 60, I’m gonna start collecting the Lightforge armor, i already got the boots

hus, youre on shattered hand?

Might not want to on Sargeras. They have many connection problems due to high volume of players and many are being transferred to a newer server Detheroc, which I have a horde on.

Hus if your on shattered hand let me know, i’ll do some grinding with you to help you get to 60.

pfft like youre ever on! :lol:


well I dont know, my freind has a level 60 on there so I’ll have to talk to him, I havent even been on there yet so when I get around to it and it pisses me off I’ll probably switch

I now have undead mages on both segaras and detheroc

on segeras my name is Cryptus

and detheroc im Icyhot

Icyhot… plz tell me its a mage… ROFL

Shattered hand I have

18 mage - Minny
7 mage - Lakeffect
16 drood -Ano

I spend too much time on lothar… my druid on Lothar rox pvp sox…

added my new mage
also up to about 200g

did you know the gnomes and undead have a way shorter casting time for fireball…?

pfft… non pvp server FTL :tdown:

come ply on a real server! dont be skurred

yeah i got sidetracked by deteroc server, but im gonna be on more now grinding to 60

you horde on deteroc?

yep, lvl 20ish warlock

name? I just started a char on there last nite