WoW Update

hmm i can’t really remember off hand i’ll check it tonite. I know Diesel is on there too with a lvl 28ish undead mage. Let me know which server you’re gonna be on this weekend, i plan to be on a lot.

Pfft you WoWzers. . . my Taru in Final Fantasy XI has 3 Level 60 jobs (cap is 75) and 3 level 50 jobs and FF takes 4 times longer to level up :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh wait … . I shame of me, for my nerdiness :frowning:

On a side note, Howie, did you just say that your character is leveling up by just sitting idle? Thats how WoW works? You create a character, leave it, and it just levels up?

And you guys all have multiple characters you level up? How do you know who is who?

you don’t level up by sitting idle, if you sit idle in an inn or city though your character becomes “rested” for a certain amount of time and while “rested” whenever you kill creatures you earn 200% of the normal XP. Most people have multiple characters because each character can only be one class (warrior, mage, warlock, etc.) and you can only choose 2 main professions (leatherworker, blacksmith, clothier, etc.) so in order to play each profession or a different class you need to make multiple characters. We know who our friends our by name, you can set up a friend list that alerts you when someone you know logs into the game.

ill be on all of them… now that I have like 6 new chars to level i take advantage of the rest xp and play till i run out 1 char at a time…

i figure, 6 chars = 6x more rested xp

:word: you only get a level and a half max of rested xp… which goes by really fast if youre anything under 40

and the rest xp is built into the game for those people who dont have time to be huge nerds… that way they get a little extra bonus to help them compete w/ the people that ply 24x7

dont h8

My warrior is 54 now… I’ve been without an internet connection for the past week otherwise itd probably be a bit higher :stuck_out_tongue:

The title of this thread makes me miss Opie and Anthony. Are they still on XM. Whip em Out Wednesday was cool

What levels are you guys that are on Detheroc? I have a level 30 undead mage named Dertin on there. PST lol

lvld a bit on shattered hand…

warrior - 20
paladin - 22
rogue - still 46
mage - 2

Just hit 57 on my warrior and equipped my shiny new stronghold gauntlets :smiley:
3 more levels to go >.>

where do you get stronghold gauntlets anyway?

I’ve made: 6 Scholo runs, 3 UBRS runs, 2 BRD runs and 6 Strat runs since I hit 60 last week

1 lightforge belt and 1 lightforge boot

i can’t wait until i can do MC and start getting nightslayer/bloodfang pieces.

how’s 1.84? havent had a chance to play it since d/ling it…

Battles must now last at least ten minutes after the start of the battle in order for the losing team to receive a Mark of Honor.

thats the only one that will really impact me.

They’re a BoE world drops, so they won’t drop in any particular instance. Best bet is getting them at auction.

Ive run MC about 10 or so times now… got the wristgaurds of stability… +24 strength +8stam 88 armor … on a bracer… what?! That’s 60ish attack power in cat form, up to 850ish AP in cat… goal is 1000+, my avg attacks hit for 120ish when my AP is that high.

My druid rox non-epic rogues sox, there are alot of bad pvpers out there. I crit Ravaged ( Ambushed for you rogue players ) a warlock for 2100+ damage the other day… with a druid… lawl… my best on an epic spec warrior so far is 980ish crit. I took down an epic spec’d Mage in the middle of ogrimmar the other day too… right outside their auction house… that was hilarious. I got lucky on the crits in that battle.

I shoulda started on a pvp server… too much time into my druid now… she’s just getting fun.

my crit evis.'s usually hit for around 1200-1300

Yeah, but he can heal lol, then turn into a tank that fucking takes more beating than anything

or he can turn into that gay ass moonkin

which fucking takes stupid damage also lol

he couldnt heal fast enough vs a assn rogue

and evasion + combo point for each dodge vs bear form = dead bear

Actually, the stronghold gauntlents are a crafted item. The pattern to make it is a VERY rare drop.