WoW Update

Gah, you’re right. I was thinking about my Stonegrip Gauntlets.

Yesterday was nuts. After we killed onyxia, I hopped onto my warrior for some AV action and to lvl him to 60. I get the dragonslayer buff (120 attack power, 5% melee crit), and we ended up forming a scholo group. In my party, I had a hunter with trueshot aura, and a shaman with improved strength of earth totem, and my battle shout. I think I was up near 1350 attack power. With windfury down, I was just sitting there being amazed at the crits that I was pumping out. I charged one of the mobs in there, crit him on first swing, then mortal strike crit him, and my next swing procced windfury and both of THOSE also crit. In the matter of about 3 seconds, I had dished out something like 4-5k damage O_o

<3 shamans totems.

cheapshot, sinister strike, slice n dice, SS, SS, Evis. and most things are dead. may need to throw in a kidney punch if necessary.

notice anything hugely nerdy about these pics?

and apparently they’re not shared/farmer accounts, just one person.

thats ridiculous, the game has only been out for a year

the 2nd pic, (assuming he’s lvl 60), reached lvl 60 in only 9 days. I dont see how thats even possible.

I did

Quests FTW

It’s very possible. For one, he’s a rogue so he has the ability to grind really fast. Two, rested XP works wonders. If you’re full rested for that last level its like only having to get 105k instead of 210. My warrior is halfway to 59, and I’m sitting at 9 days 14 hours played on her. I’m also revered in AV and working towards exalted. If I spent all that time that I did in AV grinding or questing, I wouldve been 60 at probably 8 days /played. :slight_smile:

^ haha, Jeff will be pissed when he reads that. He has been grinding for awhile.

eh… youd think by that time youd have all 18 slotters… :confused:

Just hit 59 :slight_smile:

Well, considering Onyxia only drops 1 per kill in a 40 person raid, Arlokk drops hers like any other loot, meaning she only drops it a % of the time, and its the only thing she drops, and bottomless bags require about 250g in materials, which is a damn lot of money even if you have it, for 2 slots, its understandable not to.

Also notice that the rogue is at least rank 10, since he’s wearing the Tier 1 PvP set, but doesn’t appear to be wearing any visable nightslayer or bloodfang, and there isn’t any in his inventory, so who knows. Maybe the dude just chats in general and guild chat and does random crap every day while he PvP’s.

I guess… if you can somehow spend $250g on 2 core leathers… the other mats are nothing…

if you spend almost a year playing a game you should have found the bottomless bag plans, gotten your tailoring up to 300, made the bags and dropped the skill within that time…

Its also 12 mooncloth, which is a long time coming. The thing about core leather is, unless it’s a pickup MC group (read: doomed to die horribly) nobody rolls on core leather. It’s property of the raid a lot of times, or most of it is, so its hard to come by. At any rate i’d rather turn it into core armor kits, or turn around and sell it, before I used it for 2 friggin bag slots. =P

12 mooncloth… :lol: the guy has played for 200 days!!!

12 mooncloth x 4 days = 48 days just for one bottomless bag if you’re making mats yourself. Plus the pattern is rare as hell, and I think only 1-2 people on my server have the pattern :slight_smile:

48 days… doesnt mean they have to play for 48 days straight… you could log in once every 4 days, for 20 seconds to make 1 mooncloth

how do you make mooncloth? i need to get some for bags

Oh I know. I’m just saying if you’re making bottomless bags and you actually have the pattern, unless you are buying mats out, it will take minimum of 48 days per bag is all :stuck_out_tongue:

300 tailoring… it takes 2 felcloth and you can do it at any moonpool