Clean, not overbooked tattoo artists.....go!

Like the title states looking for a clean, reasonably priced, not overbooked artist or shop. Everyone seems to only want to do/be known as/ be good at traditional tattoos and they arent my thing. I need someone to finish up my black and gray half sleeve and darken refine/ add some detail and extend it.

also ive heard soo many different opinions on using or not using a&d after getting tattoos. Mine seemed to fade alot and I lotioned and washed it and stayed out of the sun for months and it still looks like shit now.

This picture was on the day it was done, its since faded and doesnt look half as good, and wasnt done exactly how i wanted so I need a new artist.

Rise Above on Delaware?

I’m a fan of hand of doom. Some good guys there.
Josh at Holy Ground does great work as well.


HOD or Rise Above

HOD seems pretty legit, I may look into them. Rise above looks good but their best people literally like only do traditional.

HOD has walk ins on Wednesday I believe…First Come First Serve. @cougarspeed can probably verify.

HOD does walk ins multiple days. Josh from HOD does wed walk ins. All good people there but I personally get work from Josh on a regular basis. Great artist

Hyperion is super solid too
Noelle, Christopher and Scott Sonner at Divine Machine

Holy Ground. All good dudes over there.

as for after care, keep clean with antibacterial hand soap. And use non scented hand lotion.

I’ve had work done from Jake and Dustin at Divine Machine. Both great artists and reasonably priced. Jake’s schedule can get pretty packed though.

hand of doom, hyperion, artimis (SP?)

my brother has a lot of work done by Rob 6O7 382 13SS
Did very detailed sleeves on my brother. and is very clean.
Im not sure where his shop is. but if you do contact him you can tell him his vw mechanic sent you. lol

I’ll throw in another plug for Holy Ground, Josh H. is a very versatile artist…he did both my shoulders pretty stellar, and is now doing a pretty huge torso piece on my sister. Some of his work has literally blown my mind with how sharp his linework is and how realistic he can get with color and shading.

here’s josh’s instagram where he puts up some of his work…

he’s obviously done some traditional too, but like I said he’s crazy versatile.

hmm holy ground is where I went for this… I used the anti bacterial dial and lubriderm unscented lotion but i feel like it robbed some color

I didnt want to name who has done mine but josh is the one who did this tattoo on me. He is crazy talented, but I feel like he rushed mine and personally likes to tattoo in a traditional format. Hes done some amazing work on almost everyone I know but he tends to be more a color and new age traditional artist and im looking for something a little bit different.

Art to Zen in
Rochester is awesome

Black and grey tattoos are going to lighten up. I have 2 black and grey portraits from josh. Both @focusinprogress arms are black and grey as well.

thats how I’ve healed all my tattoos over the years and I have quite a few. I sometimes get lazy and just dry heal my tattoos

I believe @almostBrett from here does work now.

Sure does, i need to make an apt with him.

I know they lighten up especially the gray. I might just have the entire thing just redone in all black. I may go back to josh im not sure I dont want to insult him but once this tatt healed it didnt turn out how I wanted it to.