Clean your TB's

I had some extra time yesterday so I decided to do some easy maintenance on the Z. I went ahead and bought some Carb+Choke cleaner spray at Walmart for like 2 bucks and PB Plaster. I also had 2 rags and a toothbrush.

To get started, you obviously have to remove the intake pipe(s) that feed air into the throttle body/bodies in order to gain access to the butterfly valve(s). On the Z, you need to remove the top fastener and a few rubber hoses on the intake pipes that I believe are connected to the AIV. I had to use PB blaster on the intake pipes to get them off, it makes it less of a chore to remove them. Once the pipes are off, you’ll probably notice some carbon build up. Thats what you want to clean out. I was lucky with the Z, I barely had any buildup at all. You just need to spray the carb cleaner into the TB (with the valve closed) and get scrubbing with the toothbrush. Use the rag to clean out any loosened debris, you don’t want that getting sucked into your engine.

Here are some pics for reference-

Right TB almost clean

Left TB after spray

Left TB cleaned out

Its important to let the spray “dry out” completely before reconnecting the intake pipes and starting the engine up. The reason for performing this procedure is to gain crisper acceleration(especially in older cars) and to stabilize idle speed. I also ran fuel injector cleaner last week and I would also recommend that as part of a routine maintenance regimen.

Hope this helped some noobs out, its an easy DIY job that should take 10 minutes or less.


Nice write up!

Eh, I’m not expecting much in the way of responses. lol

I know its simple as shit to do, but I was bored so hence the “write-up”.

nice write up. I love when sites have alot of these, I wish we had a section for write ups on how to detail your car, that would really come in handy

Yeah I agree, we should have a write up section. Thats what I love about the Z forum I go to. Everything you need is available for a DIY project.