pics were taken with my phone… sorry
cleared the corners

i need to find that smoke/tint paint.
my friend taking off the pinstripe and dealers sticker

just ordered up the newer clear side blinkers… that should clean up the car a little too.
the finished product after buffing and waxing.

still need to have the grill painted to match the car, replace the front bumper, get new wheels, and a disco potato 
tinted the corners

pic sucks, but you can see the tinted vs the headlight. it matches the rear stock tinted turn signals pretty well. now i just need my clear fender markers to get here.
looks good! i already miss mine, but id really like to live vicariously through yours. keep us up to date!
Looks good man. What did your friend use to get the dealer sticker off the back?
heat gun, and some glue remover shit. im not really sure… i was too busy drinking his beer. the only thing i did was clear out the corners 
saved myself 150 bucks just breaking the amber pieces out instead of buying them.
it needs a drop and tints
damn, who did the buff and wax? i’m in need of a good detail myself. 
damn. Thats quite the shine.
it has a drop
ricer too low riding on bump stops = teh gay
it should look just fine when i bolt up the 17’s
just picked up some testors spray tint. hopefully this shit doesnt take for ever to dry inbetween coats… its totally going to need to be wet sanded between them.
my friend jay. i can pass his number on to you if you want.
nice, saabs are starting to grow on me. and disco potato >*
You should have warned us that the 2nd last pic was NWS!!! 
Looking good overall. Get that potato under the hood and you’ll have one hell of a clean-ass sleeper!
looks good. wow that man in the 3rd pic has alot of hose.
nice daze…looking good…i love the clear corners…should have come like this from the factory…i cant wait to put suspension on the vig.
—we should get together for photoshoot…i enjoy the 2.0liter…the two together would be nice…esp. both coupe.

clear corners FTW
BTW what did u drop on? springs/shocks? springs? any other mods???
…i saw the intake