Clinton Smacks Down Fox News (For JEG)

“But, Mr. Clinton, listen, we both know that…”

“No, Mr. Oreilly, we both really DON’T know that…”

“Now you’re spinning the conversation Mr. Clinton.”

“2+2 is 4”

“That’s just liberal eeeeeeyeeeeeeeeeeology, Mr. Clinton. I will use that phrase in subsequent retorts to what you say so as to diminish its credibility and make it seem meaningless. I can get away with this because my viewers actually do believe I am moderate (credible) because sometimes I lean a little towards the left on miniscule issues. However, they like to believe that the conservatives are always right, so if I call you a liberal you will be wrong. Instantly. End of argument, Mr. Clinton. We both know that! I’ll let you have the last word.”

“We both know that.”

I can’t believe anybody of any political alignment can watch him and go “OH, yes!” But they do…