Clockwork Orange

I liked it the first time I saw it… but i wouldn’t go and say it was a great movie

I know what you’re trying to get at though… some people like “wierd” movies… just cuz it’s wierd

Yeah that’s entirely too true. Take away Clockwork Orange’s “shock” factor and it’s just a dumb movie with awful synthesized classical music and stupid stylish montage scenes. Plus Malcolm Mcdowell is the WORST.

Sort of like how people in the US will listen to shock jocks every day for years. Somehow the shock value never wears off to some people and eventually they classify it as good instead of just novelty.


Some of my absolute favorite movies on this list!

Cannibal Holocaust - Dumb
Clockwork Orange - Meh
Requiem for a Dream - Also meh
Donnie Darko - Good
Fear and Loathing - Good
Pulp Fiction - Some funny lines, otherwise horrible
Trainspotting - Good (Better than Requiem)
American Psycho - Fantastic

So many movies just don’t live up to the hype. Others transcend it.

What do these movies have in common exactly?

Cannibal Holocaust isn’t considered good by any means - it’s considered GRUESOME in that all the animal deaths portrayed are real. Agreed about pulpfiction. But Donnie Darko? C’mon, you’re not 16.

And the list of 50 best dystopian movies is so silly. Ghost in the Shell but no JINROH: Wolf Brigade? Pleasantville and Starship Troopers is on the list but not The Omega Man? Those two aren’t even dystopian…

And Matrix makes top 10? :picard:

There’s only like 75 dystopian movies ever made but there’s at least 8-10 on that list that aren’t EVEN DYSTOPIAN, haha.

tried watching it several times but every time the version i would download… the sound would be +5 seconds off. :frowning:

I prefer this version:

That’s probably for the best. :smiley:

I’m reading through Chuck Palahniuk’s books and it’s the same story. Super fucked up. The only reason I’m reading them is more or less conversation pieces. Not that well written but so fucked up you’ve got to read it so you can talk about it.

Mostly nothing, other than they are films with a more-or-less cult following and hype that I did not experience save for American Psycho.

It’s A Clockwork Orange. Not Clockwork Orange. Just had to say that. It’s bothering me.

i love family guy and a clockwork orange.
fucked up movies are good simply because theyre not like ever other damn movie on this planet.
everything has gotten so aweful that a wierd movie shakes it up.

and my bad i wasnt really thinking about the “A”.

Check out Jacob’s Ladder, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and Children of Men. That should wet your whistle for a wide spectrum of high quality original movies. :tup:

Being John Malkovic.


i really liked children of men

also, omega man was on that list

It was on the afterthought “honorable mentions” list right next to The Running Man. :tif: