Review: A Scanner Darkly

Fucked up! The cell shading is a brilliant way to show this movie. Go see this movie if you can, the story was written by Philip K Dick who wront such books as “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” (Blade Runner), “Second Variety” (Screamers), “The Minority Report” (Minority Report) and a few others.

I saw it, it was ok. I was laughing my ass off when they were talking about Bob Barker and the 16 spd bike scene.

The plot does not get my praise as much the as the decision to use cell shading for the movie itself. It was a refreshing change.

Maybe in a few months when it comes out on DVD, because I’m a big fan of Blade Runner and Minority Report.

This has more of a Kurt Vonnegut kind of feel to it. Where Blade Runner and Minority report are more in the distant future, this is much closer to nowadays. I have it on DivX (the DVD Rip) if you would like a copy. The quality is top notch (~715MB)

i <3 kurt vonnegut.

i <3 you matt.

i <3 the idea of finally seeing this movie.

i <3 you sending it to me plskthx.

It came out on DVD. I watched it like 2 weeks ago.

Is it at Blockbuster?

Got a Hollywood video gift card to use… :slight_smile:

Is it in the Video stores Yet, oh maybe I should just google it.

watched it today. Thanks for the recomendation…movie is sure fucked up but I love the animation. So nice to see something other than the pixar type shit thats out


I gotta give creds to Robert Downey Jr for his role but I don’t think he had to dig deep into the well to play James Barris… :wink:

Funny I thought that about 3 seconds into the coffee scene

i downloaded it last night. if i can put off watching it until my flight next week i’ll be real happy. but i’m really excited to watch it so i doubt that will happen.