Clockwork Orange

Has anyone ever seen this movie?
im watching it right now and i have to say whoever thought of this must have been on some serious drugs.
Its straight fucked up.

You must be young…and it’s a great movie…

you are the first person in the entire world to see it.

damn i just saw it for the first time.

and yeah its a great movie just mad wierd.

Based off of a book. A good one at that.

Yeah it is kind of fucked up, but those are the best kind of movies.

lol, First thing I was thinking as well.

yeah i knew about the book. i just didnt know there was a movie based on it.

and hell yeah thats the truth.

im only 20 so yeah im on the young side.

i have seen my share of great movies though.

not worthy of it’s own thread, but it is one of my favorites.

have yet to devote the time to reading the book, i will eventually.

always up for a bit of the ulta-violence

always up for a bit of the ol’ in-out.

of course you are…

i know its from the movie.

One of my top favorite movies! I first watched it in High School believe it or not.

Ya Droog

I have been on such a dystopian film kick lately. I watched THX 1138 and Nineteen Eight-Four back to back one weekend when I was sick. It hurt my brain.


dude fucking ROLLERBALL! so badass

westworld better be on here too

EDIT: i guess westworld wouldnt make the list, not a “end of days” feel to it. still a good flick

mad max fuck yes

a lot of great movies on this list.
some are aweful.
but a lot of them are classic.