Donnie Darko

i just rented and watched this movie! i thought it was a pretty good movie but im still kinda clueless about alot of things! im probably going to watch it a few more times but i was just wonder what you guys that saw it thought about it?

i never heard of it

i seen it awhile ago, can’t remember specifics, but it was a wierd movie.

You have to watch it a bunch of times to understand it. One problem, everyone views it differently, there is no set actual story. Great movie if you have a weekend to kill and are looking for a mental challenge.

Yeah, watch it a few more times… you’ll start to get it. It’s one of those movies w/ a huge cult following.



huge cult following and a really terrible movie :kekegay:

Eh, I didn’t think it was that bad. But it certainly wasn’t great.


its about a giant fucking bunny that tells jake gyllenhall that the worlds going to end, or something of that nature

I liked this movie after the 2nd or 3rd time. The first time I was just totally lost at the end. I think it was made to have many different meanings. Each thing can symbolize whatever the hell the person watching it wants to. Just wouldn’t recommend dropping acid then watching it. Might end up a weirdo.

watch it again and everything will come together

its a good movie for sure

two lane black top may have been the biggest waste of time in my life. that movie sucked so bad.

im ash;housewares

oddly that movie is on the TV right behind me this moment… but it is a deep movie and it can be hard to understand, but if u do understand it, it is a very good movie.

never seen it,