Clutch Adjustments

Hey i searched this thread on how to minimize clutch free play but came up with nothing. All i came up with is how to fix problems with the clutch so hence, fix grabbing pt or free play but it was never described how to adjust the free play on the clutch. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks.

look at the top of the pedal where it mounts to the firewall. you will see a threaded rod that pushes against the pedal and a nut to secure it. loosen that nut and turn the rod in or out until you get the clutch adjusted the way you like. i believe clockwise makes the adjustment closer to the floor and vice versa.

is there anyway to stiffen it

how stiff your pedal is depends mainly on your pressure plate. but making sure there is no air in the lines and that your master and slave are working properly with no leaks adds to it. oh and remove your dampner if you havent already

ya i remember u telling me to remove that crap ass dampner…

as you adjust the pedal further from the floor it should get a bit stiffer

i have my pedal pretty far from the floor and my clutch pedal is pretty stiff “but i have an upgrades pressure plate which is part of it” but if i adjust the pedal back closer to the floor… then the pedal does get a bit softer.

wow i never knew the distance of the pedal from the floor could change the stiffness or softness…this thread killed 2 birds with one stone. thanks all. i’ll try tomorrow.

he is right, I moved mine way back and now I get sore leg when driving in traffic

i looked today and there was a wire attatched to this rod. and a bolt to losen it. But i cannot turn this rod because its connected to a wire and if i turn the rod the wire gets tangeld up and restricts the amount of the rod i can turn. wat do i do? do i have the right threaded rod?

Where’s this dampener? And how would one go about getting rid of it?

so wait…if i unscrew this nut and push this threaded nut…it will minimize free play hence…giving me a more softer clutch am i right? but what fixes the grabbing pt of the clutch? say if i want it to grab an 1inch away from the floor? is this thread a multi-purpose nut that accomplished all this? sorry i recently got my 240sx and don’t know much about technical stuff.

Pretty much parallel to your oil filter attached to the frame rail.
Or look at the slave on the tranny, follow the line to the dampner. Its a small box.

Getting rid of it is easy, finding its the hard part solarian

good lcuk

the rod can put preload or remove it from the master cylinder. which means it can change the point when the clutch engages because it shortens or lengthens the amount the pressure plate moves. if you want the clutch to engage right off the floor then you need to turn the rod counter clockwise.

ya i turned the rod counter clockwise and noticed when i do this…the clutch engages closer to the floor and also…it has more freeplay which makes the clutch soft. is this right?

yes that sounds right.

Follow your clutch line from the master down to near the frame rail.

The line goes into this black box, does a loop, and then a line exits out the
box and goes into the slave cylinder.

You can simply bypass this by taking the line directyl from the master
and sending it to the slave (therby bypassing the dampener).