cobra jeffy and t-travis measure cocks !!!!!!!!who will win ?

Ill rep a sticker once we do my bar and other stuff for sure.

Sure thing. I know it will spend a majority of its time on the track too. :number1

Bro, where did I say pick and choose customers? I said I’ll choose who will and won’t get to rep crc gear… That has nothing to do with who is or isn’t coming in for service. Instead of looking for the negatives, I would be looking at the positive that there’s another shop local, who’s willing and capable to do custom work on ANY vehicle for a reasonable cost.

I mean I support you guys all in all but idk how it will work if pick and choose who rocks stickers, etc it may steer customers away because they will not feel they are getting treated right

I’m not worried about it Pete. If someone criticizes us for not getting a free shirt or sticker, but can’t say anything bad about our work… I’ll take it any day.

Pete we arent sticker salesmen! LOL

they wont even be for sale. If the customer wants one I say sure, here you go, please display it proudly and respectfully, Thank You.

Simple as that really.

Respect is give and take. I am giving you something you asked for, showing respect to you, I would like the same respect given back by not slapping it on the hood of a Vette at RLMS, a random street sign or on the drivers side window above your registration sticker that the cop sees when you get yanked for what ever.

Okay… This thread wasn’t intended to be about how CRC is going to run a legitimate and respectful business. Carry on with the dick stretching, I gotta go put more fuel in my new 4.6 motaaaaar.

none of your cars will be fast enough if they don’t have stickers. n00bs.

This thread sucks.

I have a sticker already lined up in Adobe Illustrator waiting for you my good man. MAD HPZ COMING YOUR WAY!!!

Homedepot called, they want to speak with you. :rofl


mail me stickers nowwwwww

Im going to start HONKEY racing.

Stickers are for fags… I want a tattoo, you need a tattoo artist on staff.

ahhh now I understand why you have so many stickers on the srt8!!!

Hence the reason why you get so horny when you see my jeep.

Hence why your 50 is faster then your jeep

Hence why no gays are allowed in this post. We were kidding about being gay and all of a sudden u pop up… All horny and shit.

Wait a second