cobra jeffy and t-travis measure cocks !!!!!!!!who will win ?

That and our company name will be plastered down the sides! We dont need to turn CRC into another RLMS fail boat ride full of retarded drivers “promoting” the business. :number1

My cousin has a dick the size of a Pringles can. I’d love to say that it runs in the family, but I only got the paper towel roll sized joint.

Toilet paper roll?


Na, paper towel. :lol

Tuna can

Pillsbury Grands biscuit package.

I love smarties!!

Strange, you see some of the most successful shops in the country out running on the street and making videos what seems like monthly…

Yea, I don’t think they are doing it in vehicles with the name on the side. Typically it’s customers cars as well.

ill have a bonesqueez motorsports sticker on my car and race it , i dont care . let me be associated with s/r lol . the rd in front of my shop proves it lol


Eh, not gonna battle ya on it, but ya do see it more and more now. Half of the videos seem like commercials for the high end shops lol.

yupppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp exactly

underground racing*

I think you missed his point… CRC is going to be very careful about who wears our badges… They’ll be out and on cars… But not cars like Jersey Shore Tony, no matter how much money they spend at the shop… We’ve all been around the scene long enough, we can all tell pretty quickly who’s a squirrel and who’s not.

im a squirrel

You guys got it good enough to pick and choose customers? Again, not getting to start shit, but your sounding a bit nuts lol

can I haz badge?

Its all good buddy, no battle here man. I will keep it civil, and I dont feel like its a call out or anything.

I see what you are saying for sure. UnderGround blasting $300K cars down the freeway for example. They sell a product that caters to people who can afford a night in jail and massive fines… we would love to but we dont. I will gladly swap a 5.3 and a turbo into someones S-10 and put $5K into the shops bank account. If they choose to drive like a jackass, roll race it and post videos, and gather a following for the work we did for them, go for it!

BUT, we ask that you dont go around saying CRC built it to be a streetracer, and I would kindly ask that you dont flaunt out name on the car when you are doing this. Simple as that. Last thing I need is a news article about somebody wrecking, hurting or killing someone while doing a 140 bomb, and they misconstrue the article into a “Car built by local shop to street race kills driver” becasue there is a Capital Region Customs sticker on the rear window.

Nope, having even paid rent for the first month yet! :rofl

What we are after is rather simple. Respectfully building & supporting vehicles and relationships for car enthusiasts.

Look at Redline. From the poor taste their customers put off, when people in the know see cars with RLMS stickers on the cars it is a :haha not a :number1.

Case and Point.

A vinyl cutter is being procured shortly for the shop. To cut paint masks, stickers, etc. So we will offer stickers to customers to put on their cars we do work and simply ask polity that they respect our image and positively represent the company.

ALSO, for people that have major work done we are going to offer discounts on work if the owner takes the vehicle to shows, displays our business cards and memorabilia, talks up the company in a positive way, etc.

The idea might even go as far as if the car brings home a trophy, gets a photo shoot, magazine article, or if a new customer comes in and mentions they were turned on to us by someone from a show, get together, race, etc. more discounts or maybe even payouts could come into play.

Another words, a legitimate sponsorship deal. So then yes, at that point we would be picking and choosing who and how we are represented, contractually I might add. And there will be a clause saying if you are an asshat and make us look bad, sponsorship can be ended.