
lol I cant wait. i wonder how our teammates are gonna react when we get on live, dont try to kill anyone, and they see one of us laying down in the prone while the other is crouching up and down on the guy repeatedly while talking dirty into the mic :mamoru:


This sounds funny. Haha. Have NYSpeeders been playing together lately? I’ve been out of the loop for the last 2 weeks or so.


This sounds funny. Haha. Have NYSpeeders been playing together lately? I’ve been out of the loop for the last 2 weeks or so.


Mike never plays with us but afhockey played last night but didnt have a mic! AF you n00b!! I have been having fun playing with itagaki and his buddies. I end up stealing alot of kills!

why do u guys gotta tell me im gay

im hurt.


why do u guys gotta tell me im gay

im hurt.


I never said you were gay… I guess it was implied when you asked me to F you in the A… :gotme:

lol no Mike messaged me, YOUR GAY!!!

hahaha, it was funny, mabye it was because i was playing cabellas.

I gotta burn COD4 i didnt have it burned.

I got lucky with my drive MS25, no waiting 10 seconds and shit to flash, it was the easiest flash i have ever done.






lol no Mike messaged me, YOUR GAY!!!

hahaha, it was funny, mabye it was because i was playing cabellas.

I gotta burn COD4 i didnt have it burned.

I got lucky with my drive MS25, no waiting 10 seconds and shit to flash, it was the easiest flash i have ever done.


yeah i did… i only told you you were gay cause you were playing turkey hunting on xbox hahaha


Mike never plays with us but afhockey played last night but didnt have a mic! AF you n00b!! I have been having fun playing with itagaki and his buddies. I end up stealing alot of kills!


yeah yeah yeah… it was better that i didnt have a head piece… god i was terrible on that last night, but then again, for my saving grace, i was only online for a half hour and ranked up 5 times… (dont know how decent that actually probably is hahaha)

lol i know, its cool. i didnt have COD burned so i was playing what i had.

ill be on again tonight… probably getting murdered again

not to mention every weapon i had available sucked…

good, see unlike halo 3 u cant just ride around on a vehicle killing everyone :slight_smile:

i still whooped on that ass even outa the vehicle

lol…mike go buy a mic today.

the wireless headset is nice :slight_smile:

ill prob be on after the sabres game


lol i know, its cool. i didnt have COD burned so i was playing what i had.


Want me to burn it for you?


lol…mike go buy a mic today.

the wireless headset is nice :slight_smile:

ill prob be on after the sabres game


ill go today on lunch… i need it so i can whisper sweet nothings in your ear while i shoot you in the ass… wait…




Want me to burn it for you?


umm i really hope ur shit breaks bitch.


who is itagaki on here ?

same name on here

ahhhh that would make some sense huh
