better than team fortress 2?

I don’t know about that… we’ll see


better than team fortress 2?

I don’t know about that… we’ll see


without a doubt. I’ll be on tonight with the guys.


360 or PC?



REPOTS! :repost:



bah, u homos need to start jamming on the PC y0

or I should stop being cheep and buy a 360 w/a hd tv

360 r-poop


bah, u homos need to start jamming on the PC y0


This is the first time i totally disagree. The graphics look great and never slow down and alot more people are playing on the 360 lately. Time for you to change too my friend.

If only there was mouse / keyboard compatibility - there’d be no reason to own a computer.

do they make a DVI video hookup for the 360? ( so you can play on a LCD computer monitor)


do they make a DVI video hookup for the 360? ( so you can play on a LCD computer monitor)


only component or the new ones have hdmi.


FORTHEKICKS i will kill you in multi player tonight, will you play!

Dr. Stevil: the multiplayer dominates all current multiplayer FPS


sorry sure shot no nets here, dial-up :banghead:, besides im going to be at work until 9:30pm unless robbie let’s me bum some nets off him. i would love to start handing out can of woop ass! and TF2 FTW!!!

bum some nets off him!!!

ill play tonight for about an hour before house comes on :thankyou: lets get a good nyspeed game goin :clap: god i love this game :nerd:

K, the consensus is that we will be starting around 7

well the servers sure did suck last night…


sorry sure shot no nets here, dial-up , besides im going to be at work until 9:30pm unless robbie let’s me bum some nets off him. i would love to start handing out can of woop ass! and TF2 FTW!!!


If im home im either playing the game or with the broad… Either way no you cannt use my internet for anythign but updating your xbox.

Games tonight ~7pm

ill be on after the gym… prob around 6:30-7:30

ill log in when i get home from my stupid motivational gathering.

like i really need any motivation to do anything.