yea the c-130 kicks ass i love blow shit up!

the hardest mission IMO was the sniper one… i guess im not good at being stealthy

I actually breezed through the sniper one. We were compromised once, but we took everyone out so fast it wasn’t anything. I want to try going through again to see if I can get through without any compromises.

I’ll take the sniper mission over that damn broadcast news station anyday.

rx3 try playing online at somepoint.

imo the game is great in sp, but mp is on a whole different level. if anything it will make you want to scream at the top of your lungs when someone grenade launches you from 2 feet away.


I actually breezed through the sniper one. We were compromised once, but we took everyone out so fast it wasn’t anything. I want to try going through again to see if I can get through without any compromises.

I’ll take the sniper mission over that damn broadcast news station anyday.


ugh that was a nightmare :frowning:

this fucking game is actually really difficult at some points.

I had to do the tv station room (where you get ambushed) about 15 times.

great fucking game though… amazing gameplay and amazing visuals


this fucking game is actually really difficult at some points.

I had to do the tv station room (where you get ambushed) about 15 times.

great fucking game though… amazing gameplay and amazing visuals


tell me about it, it was bananas!

ugh i really need to play the single player.

lol it’s comical how anytime i get a new FPS game i instantly play the multi and never the single player.




ugh i really need to play the single player.

lol it’s comical how anytime i get a new FPS game i instantly play the multi and never the single player.




thats cause you’re kind of a vagina.


ugh i really need to play the single player.

lol it’s comical how anytime i get a new FPS game i instantly play the multi and never the single player.




play it… it’s outstanding.

It’s cool once you get the arcade mode too… play for highest scores on each level. Not sure if you have to beat it first to do it or not though


play it… it’s outstanding.

It’s cool once you get the arcade mode too… play for highest scores on each level. Not sure if you have to beat it first to do it or not though


If the computer cried or complained when you killed it, I would.

There is just something so satisfying about killing a real person and have them act like a baby afterwards.

i just got hit but the first nuck. that kinda sucked for the one guy that fell out of the helicopter, but i would rather die like that then get a shit load for x-rays forced though my body.


If the computer cried or complained when you killed it, I would.

There is just something so satisfying about killing a real person and have them act like a baby afterwards.


lol agreed

edit: so I assume the multiplayer in this game is good then? When I played it for 360 there was nobody playing it online so only played split screen and single player.

haven’t tried the PC version MP yet


lol agreed

edit: so I assume the multiplayer in this game is good then? When I played it for 360 there was nobody playing it online so only played split screen and single player.

haven’t tried the PC version MP yet


Multi player is top notch, the rewards system is great and the leveling is awesome too. There are only minor things i would change about it like being able to see challanges during a game and changing custom classes during a game as well.

is it easy to tell who is on your team, and who is on the opposing team?

like red and blue colors?


is it easy to tell who is on your team, and who is on the opposing team?

like red and blue colors?


If they have a name above their head they are cool, if they have nothing above their head seperate it from the rest of their body.

lol :lol:

thanks :tup: I’ll give it a try tonight

just didn’t want to get pwned by all the people that have already been through the SP missions

from what i saw it was easier jsut to ues the radar but i only played mult. for a little while. one that the sucks is the fact that you can olny have one guy per xbox during online play! FTL!


from what i saw it was easier jsut to ues the radar but i only played mult. for a little while. one that the sucks is the fact that you can olny have one guy per xbox during online play! FTL!


FORTHEKICKS i will kill you in multi player tonight, will you play!

Dr. Stevil: the multiplayer dominates all current multiplayer FPS


from what i saw it was easier jsut to ues the radar but i only played mult. for a little while. one that the sucks is the fact that you can olny have one guy per xbox during online play! FTL!


That is how every xbox game is! I think there may be like 2 games that may have had split screen with live support.