lol @ maverick’s 28 and 2


already rank 32 damn…

That was a short game. I beat the single player in less than a week…


That was a short game. I beat the single player in less than a week…


what difficulty?


what difficulty?



bump~ any new Xbox players?

ill be on tonight fggt

i might try also, if my shit doesnt lock


I gotta admit, single player campaign really is kick ass. Brings back some memories :tup:

They do a good job of capturing the confusion and chaos of a live firefight.


the c-130 gunship is probably one of the coolest things i have seen thus far. The thermal imaging looks like im watching real footage on cnn.

boooo to steam :tdown:

they’re making pre-order customers wait a week to activate the game because “it’s not fair to retail stores”


CC has PC for $39.99


CC has PC for $39.99


damn… wish I’d seen that earlier.

just went to gamestop and purchased it

This game must be good, because I don’t get this pissed off trying to play HALO.

Ok a few pet peeves:

1) Friendlies crossing into my line of fire. Seriously, fucking spread out! It hasn’t happened with the SAS missions but some of the USMC missions, good lord. Even outdoors where is a bit more space some idiot private will cross right in front of me while I’m firing. :meh:

2) The A.I. is a bit rigid. I especially find this true with breaching. Sometimes you are just running around and it’s hard to figure out where you are supposed to be. Sometimes I may be 2nd or third in line, so I go to my spot, but then somebody comes in behind me on my spot. MOTHER FUCKER YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO COVER THE OTHER SIDE! That’s why we keep getting shot in the ASS! :mad: And then my favorite. “Jackson, take point”. So I take point on the breach, pop my flashbang and hustle through the door. I’m shooting, and my squad mates are standing by the door watching me get shot up. Have you guys ever performed a dynamic breach?! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE DOOR BEFORE THE FLASHBANG WEARS OFF!!! Why am I in here shooting 15 guys by myself with no covering fire while you watch me and :mamoru: from the door?! :mad:

3) The Broadcast News Station. This folks, is the definition of CLUSTERFUCK. Think Leroy Jenkins (Oh God… Oh God… COVER LEFT COVER… OH GOD… OOOHHH GOD. IS ANYONE ALIVE? OH GOD… ). This seems to be one of the times in the game where your squad mates catch the G.I. Joe/Cobra syndrome and can’t hit the broadside of a barn. Jihad Jerry is running right next to my corporal, stops next to him, and pops off an RPG at me from near point blank range. Why is that asshole not dead yet corporal?! Is he whispering sweet nothings in your ear or something?! :mad: Getting you all hot and bothered you can’t aim straight? He’s RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, YOU FUCKING SHITBIRD.

4) Savepoints. It really sucks that if you try any other feature in the game (Arcade mode challenges, etc.) it overwrites your current missions save regardless. There is no option to start another save. I learned that the hard way when trying the arcade mode on my favorite mission so far (it comes up at the end, don’t want to spoil it for those who haven’t completed the game).

5)WTF with the zombie jihad?! I’m starting to wonder if I’m not playing Resident Evil packaged as a tactical shooter. :mad: I’ve heard all the excuses about realism, and “headshots”, but this is ridiculous. As someone who has actually used an M4A1, I know it does not take half a fucking clip to down somebody armor or not. Especially when the majority of those bullets went into your right kneecap. I see the guy’s body twitching, how in the hell is he still running at me full steam? :wtf:

Honestly, this game would be kickass if you could play campaign mode with real people. Planning strategy and communication would be ten times easier.

BTW, is there anyway to peek around a corner like you can in Ghost Recon? I see the computer doing it, but I fucking have to expose half my body to see anything (and then I get shot :mad: ).

I can’t believe I was up until 0645 this moring playing COD4.


This game must be good, because I don’t get this pissed off trying to play HALO.

Ok a few pet peeves:

1) Friendlies crossing into my line of fire. Seriously, fucking spread out! It hasn’t happened with the SAS missions but some of the USMC missions, good lord. Even outdoors where is a bit more space some idiot private will cross right in front of me while I’m firing. :meh:

2) The A.I. is a bit rigid. I especially find this true with breaching. Sometimes you are just running around and it’s hard to figure out where you are supposed to be. Sometimes I may be 2nd or third in line, so I go to my spot, but then somebody comes in behind me on my spot. MOTHER FUCKER YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO COVER THE OTHER SIDE! That’s why we keep getting shot in the ASS! :mad: And then my favorite. “Jackson, take point”. So I take point on the breach, pop my flashbang and hustle through the door. I’m shooting, and my squad mates are standing by the door watching me get shot up. Have you guys ever performed a dynamic breach?! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE DOOR BEFORE THE FLASHBANG WEARS OFF!!! Why am I in here shooting 15 guys by myself with no covering fire while you watch me and :mamoru: from the door?! :mad:

3) The Broadcast News Station. This folks, is the definition of CLUSTERFUCK. Think Leroy Jenkins (Oh God… Oh God… COVER LEFT COVER… OH GOD… OOOHHH GOD. IS ANYONE ALIVE? OH GOD… ). This seems to be one of the times in the game where your squad mates catch the G.I. Joe/Cobra syndrome and can’t hit the broadside of a barn. Jihad Jerry is running right next to my corporal, stops next to him, and pops off an RPG at me from near point blank range. Why is that asshole not dead yet corporal?! Is he whispering sweet nothings in your ear or something?! :mad: Getting you all hot and bothered you can’t aim straight? He’s RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, YOU FUCKING SHITBIRD.

4) Savepoints. It really sucks that if you try any other feature in the game (Arcade mode challenges, etc.) it overwrites your current missions save regardless. There is no option to start another save. I learned that the hard way when trying the arcade mode on my favorite mission so far (it comes up at the end, don’t want to spoil it for those who haven’t completed the game).

5)WTF with the zombie jihad?! I’m starting to wonder if I’m not playing Resident Evil packaged as a tactical shooter. :mad: I’ve heard all the excuses about realism, and “headshots”, but this is ridiculous. As someone who has actually used an M4A1, I know it does not take half a fucking clip to down somebody armor or not. Especially when the majority of those bullets went into your right kneecap. I see the guy’s body twitching, how in the hell is he still running at me full steam? :wtf:

Honestly, this game would be kickass if you could play campaign mode with real people. Planning strategy and communication would be ten times easier.

BTW, is there anyway to peek around a corner like you can in Ghost Recon? I see the computer doing it, but I fucking have to expose half my body to see anything (and then I get shot :mad: ).

I can’t believe I was up until 0645 this moring playing COD4.


lol and you were going to sell it :smiley:


I can’t believe I was up until 0645 this moring playing COD4.


lol, welcome to the club.

ill be on playing around 8. :wave:

i think this is the first time ive played live with mike since last year when i was living in tampa.

ohhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo


i think this is the first time ive played live with mike since last year when i was living in tampa.

ohhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo


I knoooooooooooeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwww!

Im starting to find a groove in this game online, at one point i had the highest score in 5 straight games :thankyou: COD4 multi > R6 multi. this game just freakin rules.

ugh… i gotta play more

im back on… anybody down to play?


This game must be good, because I don’t get this pissed off trying to play HALO.

Ok a few pet peeves:

1) Friendlies crossing into my line of fire. Seriously, fucking spread out! It hasn’t happened with the SAS missions but some of the USMC missions, good lord. Even outdoors where is a bit more space some idiot private will cross right in front of me while I’m firing. :meh:

2) The A.I. is a bit rigid. I especially find this true with breaching. Sometimes you are just running around and it’s hard to figure out where you are supposed to be. Sometimes I may be 2nd or third in line, so I go to my spot, but then somebody comes in behind me on my spot. MOTHER FUCKER YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO COVER THE OTHER SIDE! That’s why we keep getting shot in the ASS! :mad: And then my favorite. “Jackson, take point”. So I take point on the breach, pop my flashbang and hustle through the door. I’m shooting, and my squad mates are standing by the door watching me get shot up. Have you guys ever performed a dynamic breach?! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN THE DOOR BEFORE THE FLASHBANG WEARS OFF!!! Why am I in here shooting 15 guys by myself with no covering fire while you watch me and :mamoru: from the door?! :mad:

3) The Broadcast News Station. This folks, is the definition of CLUSTERFUCK. Think Leroy Jenkins (Oh God… Oh God… COVER LEFT COVER… OH GOD… OOOHHH GOD. IS ANYONE ALIVE? OH GOD… ). This seems to be one of the times in the game where your squad mates catch the G.I. Joe/Cobra syndrome and can’t hit the broadside of a barn. Jihad Jerry is running right next to my corporal, stops next to him, and pops off an RPG at me from near point blank range. Why is that asshole not dead yet corporal?! Is he whispering sweet nothings in your ear or something?! :mad: Getting you all hot and bothered you can’t aim straight? He’s RIGHT NEXT TO YOU, YOU FUCKING SHITBIRD.

4) Savepoints. It really sucks that if you try any other feature in the game (Arcade mode challenges, etc.) it overwrites your current missions save regardless. There is no option to start another save. I learned that the hard way when trying the arcade mode on my favorite mission so far (it comes up at the end, don’t want to spoil it for those who haven’t completed the game).

5)WTF with the zombie jihad?! I’m starting to wonder if I’m not playing Resident Evil packaged as a tactical shooter. :mad: I’ve heard all the excuses about realism, and “headshots”, but this is ridiculous. As someone who has actually used an M4A1, I know it does not take half a fucking clip to down somebody armor or not. Especially when the majority of those bullets went into your right kneecap. I see the guy’s body twitching, how in the hell is he still running at me full steam? :wtf:

Honestly, this game would be kickass if you could play campaign mode with real people. Planning strategy and communication would be ten times easier.

BTW, is there anyway to peek around a corner like you can in Ghost Recon? I see the computer doing it, but I fucking have to expose half my body to see anything (and then I get shot :mad: ).

I can’t believe I was up until 0645 this moring playing COD4.


i laughed…alot. the broadcast news station was rediculous.