COD WAW on Vista 64

I get no game sound, but I can hear people talking in game.

All other sounds on the PC are working.

Game plays fine. (beautiful actually)

When I patched to 1.2 it still says 1.0.XXX in the bottom left corner. Is it not patching? Anyone else have similar problems?

Should I just run a virtual PC with XP on it and play?

COD4 doesn’t have any problems at all… that also plays awesome.

I’m looking for my BF2 disc now.

i am surprised it plays with sound issues. Mine always crashed. I don’t have WAW, i still pwn cod4. But if it’s patching funny thats most likely the issue.

the patch fucked it up…switch your audio to 16 bit 44100 Hz and it should work…you’ll need to change it back afterwards, most of my music is a higher quality than the 16bit 44100Hz so I couldn’t listen to it without changing it back.

Billy - I LOVE YOU!!!
Got it working.

I think most of my sound problems revolve around the realtek high def audio

CoD: WaW is buggy as fuck. I hate not being able to alt tab out of the game like BF2.

oh well…glad you got it work…I might play either of those tonight if anyone else is.

glad you got it working.

make me a friend…


invited u on xfire and waw

i dont have xfire anymore

Meh, I erased BF1,2 and raven shield as well as xfire of my comp last night. Xbox is way better.

Big Negative on that.

Its easier, no haxs and no need to upgrade videocards all the time. I was a big time PC gammer for BF1,2 and thought I would never switch to xbox, but I did and love it.

In those aspects maybe. Video Cards, if you buy a pretty solid one you are set for a good 5 years. Which is about the lifespan of a console. PC tends to have better multiplayer, and the ability to have much better graphics and gameplay.

No doubt better graphics and such, but to much sit to deal with, patches, haxs, VC, etc. Xbox>PC in my book.

See I was the exact opposite. I played console and refused to play PC. Then I got BF2 and ditched the console pretty much.

I have a PS3 sitting right next to the monitor…

You can’t beat the multi on a PC.

WAW is plain and simple garbage. It was a nice thought but Treyarch fucked it beyond repair for the PC gamers. Just wait until November when COD:MW2 comes out. It will be made by IW as it should be.

Little Harsh man. The gameplay isn’t to bad, the weapons and upgrades are solid. The game is just buggy.

Co-Op is awesome.

IW always makes the more solid games, but Treyarch makes some “fun” stuff as well. Co-Oping on Veteran was pretty sweet. The 2 guys I was playing with are also pretty good so we were marching through it.

I’ll probably be playing all day Monday.

Shit I would have been down for some Co-Op

I tried inviting you like 20 times…